websets by lynn blinkies.cafe | make your own blinkies! Swifty's HQ! red button to renyoi's neocities page

You wanna hear me ramble? Woah!!1!!1one!

ramble #1 : the games i've played

The games I've played?! Uhh, I've played Slime Rancher (both the first one and second one), Wobbledogs, all of the PaRappa the Rapper related games, Rhythm Heaven Fever (or Beat The Beat Rythm Paradise), Canterlot Siege 4, The Boobah Zone, Don't Shoot The Puppy, Stardew Valley, Jacksmith, Bitlife, garry's mod and more!

ramble #2 : cats are cool i guess

why do i love cats? well, hard to say. everything about them is great! have you seen the hairless ones? even without fur they look awseome, or maybe i'm just attracted to them... ehhh. there was this one video, when i was young, about this cat giving birth. now one thing to know about me when i was young is that i was obsessed with birth, like if i had hit puberty it would have been a fetish. or maybe it was even if i didn't. so put 2 and 2 together and wa-la! i now love cats. also i have since then read warrior cats so that probably doesn't help

ramble #3 : huh?

is the sims 2 out yet?

ramble #4 : jummpy!

i get scared very easily, like if you make any sudden movements i'd flinch. don't know why. i hate loud noises most of the time because it hurts my ears. some sounds also hurt my ears, or make me wanna throw up, or make me feel like i'm doing something i'm not, and i hate those too. god i hate noise. these older kids use to follow me around at recess and scare me, which i didn't like. stupid kids. i find it annyoing when people point out that i'm covering my ears, cause it's not like i really care about the noise, not enough to do anything about it, but i hate it cause it always sounds like they're hurt that i can't handle it. or that whoever is bad for making the noise. or that i'm annyoing when i do it. like what do you want me to do?? die?? become deaf?? jeeze. like no, i'm fine, i didn't want to make a scene, and now you're doing what i didn't want to deal with. if i had a problem i'd probably just suffer, but that is waayy better than feeling horribale for my ears

ramble #5 : games for duel screen handhelds

it's so cool that the 3DS can play DS games. apparently it emulates the games inside of an DS emulator, which makes since i guess

ramble #6 : these aren't really rambles

like that last one was just stating what i had been told, and the first one was just me telling you the games i've played! that's not rambling! ugh. what? no i can't just call these somthing else! are you out of your mind?!

ramble #7 : favorite pokemans

snivy is my favorite pokemon! why? because in pokepark 2 they were a tomboy princess and i love that about them. eevee is my 2nd favorite. glaceon is my favorite eeveelotion. torracat is my fav, never evolved her into a incineroar because it was too manly for me. i have definitely NOT gotten off because of her, why would you even think that haha... uhh, anyway ever wounder what a cat's tounge would feel like in your pussy-

ramble #8 : gender

i don't understand it. when i was younger i was told i was a girl, and girls like pink. so i liked pink because i'm a girl right? boys like dirt and hard labour and i don't like that so i'm a girl. or maybe i was like, if these things were people they be a boy/girl. probably both. but as i got older i stopped gendering pointless things, and the things i did gender lost their meaning. so now i guess i'm just confused. cause i don't feel like a girl or boy or neither or both. i also hate most gender neutral words like "person" and the such. too many syllables and feels like i'm not important, just some "person". i prefered being called anything else, but if you were to ask me i don't mind being refered to as a cat, or bobcat. any animal is +10 points for me so take that as you will

ramble #9 : fitting in

i always wanted to fit in, to be like the rest. i like being told what to do, and exactly when and where. i hate it when things aren't clear, there aren't any clear rules or awnsers. but y'know, having adhd and autism really make that hard. somewhat. while my other peers seemed to know what to do, i was always confused. was i suppose to do this or that? both maybe? or maybe not anything?? maybe i don't know what i'm allowed to do, and when i asked about it my teachers got mad at me. saying stuff like how i should know, or somthing. but how was i suppose to know?? these rules change all the time, sometimes it's okay to just leave to go to the bathroom, other times you have to ask, just making sure! the teacher said something about asking only important questions because she was busy helping someone, and i think it was important cause i really had to go goddammit! in the rain or in the snow! anyway, i like rambling, don't know if you can tell, but people never seemed to care about the things i said, so i never said them. people always complimented me saying how nice i am, but that's because i worry so much that they're gonna hate me for what i say, i bearly say anything. i still want to fit, be like everyone else, but i guess almost everything i think and like is so out of the ordinary that i guess it doesn't even matter. what i do is dependent on everything and the range is so vast that i don't feel like anyone, just a massive clump of someones. but it's not like that, i don't have anyone else in my noggin, i have no reason to suspect one. all my voices are my own, even if i don't like them. i just break it down into seperate people cause it's easier to think about that way

ramble #10 : wooo big number

i wonder if anyone actually reads anything i wrote, i know i wouldn't

ramble #11 : ice cream

do you lick or bite your ice cream? personally, i prefer the scoop and chew method. licking takes to long and i dont have time for that, so just scoop it into your mouth, chew it into smaller sizes, and enjoy!

ramble #12 : adult ;)

i don't know why somethings say that i can't use [blank] if i have adult content. like i get it, you want to keep things pg, but like, one of these things was about being autistic! i don't really remeber much (it was more than a month ago probably) but i do know it was about the tbh or autisim creature, blah blah this was made by an autistic person. which i thought was fun! cause i'm an autisim! but i don't wanna limit what i post on here, just 5 rambles or so ago i was talking about pussy! not pg at all! like i'm pretty sure their wording was something like, "don't put adult conent on your site the autisim creature will eat you" or something like that. and i was just like "??? but adult content isn't bad??? also why???" maybe it did say why, and i just didn't read it, i unbookedmarked it the moment i read that so i can't look back. oh well. and then another thing, a guest book. i thought, "hey! that is a cool thing! i wanna do that!" but once again, have to keep it family friendly, and i'm not friendly with families! i guess i don't understand why it's just adult stuff. like when i think of adult, i think of sex, porn, uhh, that one krate show in that one video game. that sorta thing. but it could also mean gore, drugs, gay people, really depends on who you ask. also, how much am i able to show? is boobie ok? is naked people or naked anthro animals okay? what about nipples? what about cartoon gore? i guess "pg", but sometimes it isn't called that, just "adult content". is it just stuff that would be rated M? what about T? y'know, the game Um Jammer Lammy has a MASSIVE change for the north american release so that it could be rated E, death and hell and saying bad things about angels and cutting trees for fun is bad i guess. and in terraria when the two children die (or just one? i know the angler is a child) it says they left instead of dying. in other places around the world, other things are okay while in others it isn't. "you could just ask" but that's not really the point, the point is the fact that these things chnage and even if you have set rules why even not allow it in the first place? i'd get it if it was something specificly for sfw sites, or if it the whole theme was child-friendly, but anything else? i just don't understand. when i'm given no reasoning as to why something is, i'm just gonna assume you just don't like it, and you can dislike what you dislike, but why not mention it? why not say why? i guess you don't need to but why not? also, why is it so common? makes me feel weird for liking adult stuff. i mean, i guess it makes sense, sort of, but also no

ramble #13 : maybe i'm the weird one

i most likely am, anyway, but whatever. as i stated before i'm autistic, has a bit of the tism, one might say. and i'm pretty sure one of the symptoms of autisim is taking things literal. which i do. but if it doesn't make since that way, or it seems like it's not suppose to be taken that way, my first though is, "is it sexual?" like, i always assume it's going down that path, because it most likely is. why else would someone mention how wrong something sounds? though i do just think of everthing sexually anyway, or at least, most things. in the game "parappa the rapper 2", the 3rd stage is called "big". you know what they rap about? getting big! how he wants to get big, how he'll make him big, his desire to grow back again. also about panicking after growing bigger than the planet. i didn't think there was anything wrong with that, really! that man just wants to be big! but i scrolled through the comments of a yoube video featuring that song, and there was people there saying about how weird and oddly sexual the song is! and now i can't unhear it!

ramble #14 : why am i writing these

maybe i should just keep my thoughts to myself. most of these are affected by my mood or are about something all saw either 2 days or 2 decades ago. i should just talk about drugs and sex and death, that's all anyone ever needs to know

ramble #15 : anyway

microsoft edge really hates that P.M. Something guy's videos for some reason. like it will stop loading after a mintue or less. which i don't like cause i like that guy's videos :(

ramble #16 : it's been 10 years (or so)

guess who finally figured out how to skew images in ms paint????? this guy!! (April 11, 2023) I saw someone do this years ago, and now i can too :D

ramble #17 : money money money!

if i had a nickel for every time i used a tag (that i checked) that 1(one) other person had used, i'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice...it happened 3 times now! going 4 for 4. 5 for 5? i don't think it isn't a lot now. 6 now. oh my gawd. ADD ANOTHER TALLY LETS GOO!!! like that one guy said, another one. hehe huess what? ONE MORE!!

ramble #18 : chop chop kinky??

chop chop master onion is into bdsm, in some way. "come on! kick punch do as you please, da chop chop master comes to your knees" yeah okay, the inventor of "love karate", "romantic, dramatic, but never panic" being dramatic, but not actually scared, sounds kinda kinky to me. or, wait, isn't that thing parappa wears a mind reader thingy-ma-jig? or something like that i didn't pay attention to the cutscenes. would that mean that's how parappa sees his master? teacher? sensei?? doesn't matter, i say he's still into bdsm anyway

ramble #19 : speaking of kinks

why do people hate on a/b/o so much? like i don't like mpreg as much as the next guy, mainly because i hate preg in general, but like everything else is hot and sexy. who wouldn't want to feel heats and get knotteed and biten and- maybe i'm just into dogs. oh well...

ramble #20 : big numbe!!!

i'm writing this on a phone hehe

ramble #21 : Smile HD (also a funny number to some people i guess)

i hated that damn thing. i didn't even watch it the whole way through. but like every other thing that should've given me nightmares, it was an important part of my childhood (probably) so i wouldn't change it (for the most part)

ramle #22 : cw's

i love it when i content warning are something normal, y'know? like earlier i saw i cw of the female reader and i thought that was kinda funny. oh no, the reader's a female?? yuck. i know that it just telling you what's in store but it is funny to make a hyperbole sometimes. no i didn't use that word cause i don't know how to write exajurate

ramble #23 : ghay people

i never got to have a homophobic phase. i didn't know gay people existed and when i did, it was in a good light. or something. it was gay skeleton porn. come to think of it, i don't think i had many phases where i hated something i'm alright with now. or maybe i justs don't remember them. sometimes i've hated something but i liked it before, and went back to liking it. it's stange

ramble #24 : pj and pr gay???

y'know the weird quiz thing at the end of each season 2 episode is quite odd. i'm pretty sure the answers are arbitrary. in the 4th one, he tells pj to wake up, even though it's nighttime. why is he in pj's house to begin with? personally i like to think it is for gay sex reasons but i have a feeling that's not what they were going for. just 2 good friends who sleep on the couch together. or maybe pj sleeps in his bed but makes parappa sleep on the couch. or on the floor, like the dog he is. i'm gonna write fanfiction about them being gay on his couch just give me a month or two

ramble #25 : hahaha

there's a gif sonic and mario making and stuff right? well, i was on the furry porn website (like your normal person) and there was a link to the gif, right? well, when i clicked on the link (like a dumbass), a second of the beauty played, and then chrome told me that the site's bad. you know how fucking funny that is? like they were going at it and then it was like, "we have to protect your computer". kinda homophobic if you ask me smh my head

ramble #26 : tumblr

i love seeing people intract with me on tumblr who have stuff like, "if ur a proshipper dni!" or someother group i'm apart of. cause like, they don't know who i am, they don't know what i think of 24/7, and if they did know, they wouldn't want to intract positively with me. it's so funny. it's also funny because, i haven't done anything? like i'm sorry i existed, i'll try not to do it again. it's sooo funny!

ramble #27 : don't tell my pokes what to do

well MY pokemon evolve with a burn heal. get your facts right!

ramble #28 : whhaaweu

not everyone is gay for me, and i think that's a them problem more than a me problem

ramble #29 : css

i could use a css thingy for my entire website, or, have you considered, doing everything differently so that you can make it look funky and fresh? no? that's what i thought

ramble #30 : i've been doing these for a while

there is an odd amount of "i've been doing this for years" (something like that) in the parappa the rapper. cheep cheep's "i've been doing this for years but don't ask me why" cheif puddle's "i've been doing this for years let me tell you a litte something"(or something along those lines) cathy pillar's "i've been doing this for 50 years"...3 is an odd number!

ramble #31 : huh.

i'm starting to think that wanting dogs to rail me is knot a normal thing. i would think that most people would enjoy that

ramble #32 : sorry :(

just saw a post on tumblr abbout how horny people should be guillotined and that they're not kidding, like, what?? the??? fuck???? my bad that i can't turn the horny thoughts off. i'll just add it to the list of things people want me dead for. maybe it's a joke? but why would they say that they aren't kidding?? and why was it in the "for you" section??? what the fuck tumblr, trying to tell me something??

ramble #33 : if you don't understand you are weak and don't deserve to know

42, pickle juice

ramble #34 : home and stuck?

i just now realized that homestuck is two words mash together. how did i not realized that?? i though it was a weird word, but no!! it's home and stuck. i have never seen or done anything realated to homestuck outside seeing a few art pieces and people just mentioning it, so maybe that's why

ramble #35 : anthro animals

i love the idea of reducing an anthro (or just a talking animal in general) down to whatever sounds their animals make. like a dog to woofs and arfs, cats to meows and purrs etc. very hot and very sexy...

ramble #37 : soryy

go die girl (says the girlscout cookies)

ramble #38 : wow

what am i doing again? idk. i often spell again wrong, i wanna type agian... it's kinda rude that it's not spelt agian

ramble #39 : mama mia!

why do i read backwards numbers and letters as the forward versions?? like how some people write their 2's with the little loopy loop, i keep thinking it's a 6. so mean and rude!! b's and d's are almost that way too! i do it a little less often when i'm spelling a word like bie

reamble #40 : bigger big number!!

sheep? you mean, theyep? or heep if they're a guy? zerep. xerep

ramblw #41 : sucky wucky

yoo guess who has had their first dream of sucking dick? this guy! (despite the "guy" i am not a guy) don't know who they were, but i did do it infront of my dad, who just asked for emmenta cheese afterwards so he didn't die. i thought he was talking about saying it irl and so i tried to say it out loud(don't think that worked), but i just had to say it to my family in the other room. it was a weird dream. i felt like i was already awake and just acting like i was in a dream, but i don't know if that's what happened or if it was all a dream

ramble #42 : sucky wucky but not in a good way

i also just remembered that i need to get some tissues goddammit!

ramble #43 : sesquipedalian


ramble #44 : para on my phile til i sex

i love it went people say they don't like paraphiles it's so funny. like tears(dacryphilla)? fuck you. like big butts and you cannot lie(pygophilia)? fucky you too. they all end in "philla" or "phile"... "ohh, but you can't like that like that! it's not a gender or whatever" i can like whatever i like, however i like!

ramble #45 : friends? no way

idk if i should tell my friends (all 3-ish of them) about my neocites, they might dislike me for the things i say on here, "but if they don't like you after they get to know you, they weren't real friends at all and you should have gotten rid of them anyways!" but i want friends? y'know? and what if they hate me? and tell me bad things? i don't want that

rammble #46 : whoop whoop!

it's 4/20 babbyyy!!!

ramble #47 : awww

it's not 4/20 anymore :(

ramble #48 : dick = good luck???

every single time i look at pictures of dick, i always get notes on my tumblr posts it seems like. wow. probably good luck or something

ramble #49 : songs

i think about somthing, then i think about a song that goes with it, then i can't stop thinking about that song until i go to sleep. kinda weird

ramble #50 : !!!

already? i can't believe i already made 50 of these guys. time really does fly huh?

ramble #51 : autsism

i hate it when people seem so upset over time travling in animal crossing, like i don't have the time nor the energy to play this game every single day and i would feel bad for not talking to my vilagars everyday. you don't have to time travel!! it effects you no way no how!! let people live dammit!!

ramble #52 : shipping

when i was younger i was really into shipping, and sticking to those ships. but now i care a little bit less. there are still some ships i don't like and would rather not see, but i multi-ship much more now. the more i think about the shipping i did when i was younger the more i notice aalll the weird things i came up with, but i guess since hitting puperty i mellowed out a bit. somehow

ramble #53 : horni

how does one turn off the horny thoughts? i don't read smutt or look at porn because i'm having sexual thoughts, it's because i want them. my brain is bad at not taking things literally, andd whenever i don't it's usually sexual. i don't know if or when i should be having these thoughts so whenever someone does something that could get me in the mood i just sort of wait to see what their reaction is. which may or may not help

ramble #54 : godes

why is the spinda blad?

ramble #55 : go to SLEEP

i swear to god the last time i checked the clock it was 12 how the fuck is it almost 3???

ramble #56 : uhh what?

i forgor 💀

ramble #57 : last namb

rammy's last name is ramb, just like lammy's is lamb

ramble #58 : not aggainn

last time i checked the clock it was 3 somrthing something, now it's 5:11?? (5:12 now)

ramble #59 : nuuu

get the human babies out of the aquarium!!! D:

ramble #60 : 6tey!

why have most of my thoughts been related to sex recently? like i've always been a horny person, but i feel like it multiplied. so strange

ramble #61 : sexy times

i wanna have sex soo bad. but i don't wanna say anything to the people i know, that could, because that's weird. and they probably don't like me that way. oh well. guess i'll just have to stick to fantasizing

ramble #62 : have i bored you?

yes, i know i have. i wonder how many people read these. i wonder how many read the title. i wonder how many check out the sites listed above. all of it is for you. so enjoy

ramble #63 : sorry to get horny on main

guys i'm sorry for ramble #61, i got a bit to horny, it won't happen again, no promises though

ramble #64 : mario! kirby! uhh, star fox?

it seems a lot of 64 games have 64 in the title, or at least those two do

ramble #65 : horni 2

how does one, turn off the horn? i swear i'd get randy so often if i got horny like a normal person. like yeah after watching a whole lot of gay porn (or maybe one video of a ovipostion with a women) i wanna masterbate, or just wanna have sex in general. but out in the wild? from my own thoughts? could never work me up as much. however, if someone wants me to be in the mood, then i'll gladly been in whatever mood they need ;)

ramble #66 : almost at the devils number!!

god this place is such a youtube. really has youtube vibes

ramble #67 : bbhhyyuu

cert tder barn glass

ramble #68 : alli oop

Yesterday the judge didn't care at Ikea, Incredibly, we were at a friend's house, She was at the studio and praised the Lord ;)

ramble #69 : nice


ramble #70 : biiiggg numbnerrrr

peanut butter is butter? triangles has three angles... what's next?

ramble #71 : hit the hay, fast asleep

dream a dream you little bleep, dream dream dream dream dream... anyway i had a dream were a lot of things happened but most importantly i thought i looked hot in the mirrow. i know i don't look like that. sad

ramble #72 : craigslist

who is craig and why does he have a list???

ramble #73 : speeling

whenever a word has two of the same letter, and i am typing it out on a keyboard, i tend to double the wrong letter. i don't know why... she swallowed that fly, perhaps she'll die?

ramble #73 : curser

my curser is really fast after i restart my pc. i wonder why. i prefer it slow though

ramble #74 : incest is wincest

the tally to how many fanfics i read about incest but i didn't know the fandom it now two. i don't really hate incest, it's not something i'd look for, but if i don't know them then it doesn't count, does it?

ramble #75 : #65 #53

i know those two are simular, but they're different to me okay?!?!

ramble #76 : what noise was that??

bro i just made a fucking cat mew wtf

ramble #77 : $77%

notwork your computer'nt :3

ramble #78 : i'ma diva, i aint no fake!

https://youtu.be/JALbemLw3G4?t=68 kinda reminds me of tomodachi life

ramble #79 : fucking kids (not like that)

i hate children. "oh, but weren't you a kid once?" i hated myself then too, dummy. yeah, they're funny sometimes, but they are all time a pain in the ass. "oh, but children can't help it," so what? that doesn't make it any more tolerable. i won't yell at or hit a child, that doesn't help anything. all i can do is be stressed out and hope that no one puts the blame on how they act on me (cause they are most certainly not mine). i can barely deal with my nonsense, you want me to deal with someone else's?? i hardly like other adults anyway

ramble #80 : eighty is a bigg number

nummber... biggg... yummy...

ramble #81 :

whenerver i searched "blink" inside some of these --> <>, anything in the description of whatever that has the word blink in it, blinks! it's sad i can't do it on here without doing some javascript :(

ramble #82 : dancing samurai (english sub)

can't dance? go die in a hole you stupid loser (according to the song)

ramble #83 : wobble of the feast

i need your inbox still first your want

ramble #84 : no longer will ever be needed

don't worry about it

ramble #85 : funtoids

Antidisestablishmentarianism is the political movement developed in the 19th century to oppose disestablishmentarianism, which is the political belief that a state church should not recieve patronage from the government, and should rather be disestablished. Antidisestablishmentarianism believes that a state church should recieve government patronage. do you need to know this? maybe.

ramble #86 : why are links that color

a guy moaned at least this loud

ramble #87 : amanda the aventder

the need to draw/write wooly being fucked is strong, but i won't stoop that low yet

ramble #88 : make it ✨better

PJ adores eberything about PaRappa - from his cute dog-like face to his little tail that juts out ( now visible after he pulled down his pants ). However, there's one feature of PaRappa's that PJ loves above all else - his plushy and fluffy behind. - great job grammarly, sad to say that was not what i was going for. also parappa doesn't have a dog-like face, he is a dog. his face is dog. also you forgot about the part where he rambles about things he's interested in

ramble #89 : make it better part 2

PJ absolutey loves every detail about PaRappa: from his adorable doggy face to his cute wagging tail ( which became more visible after he pulled his pants down), and the quirky way he talks about his passions. - uhh, did it hear me say that parappa is a dog? either way, it sounds okay! (who knew making the last part a sentence of it's own would change how it's fixed)

ramble #90 : wooo! bigg nuemer!

uhh, anyway, back to your reguraly schedualed programs

ramble #91 : these are so fucking funny

PJ was aware of PaRappa's fondness for being referred to as a "good boy." In fact, PJ found pleasure in praising PaRappa in any manner. This dynamic forged a mutually beneficial relationship characterized by constant positive reinforcement. - this is so fucking funny to me. it sounds so sophisticated, and my sentence is just, "PJ knew very well that PaRappa liked being called a good boy, or just being praised in general, and PJ liked saying those things, so it was a win-win situation."

raamble #92 : part 3

PaRappa emitted soft sounds of sarisfaction as PJ licked and playfully poked him. - i like his because it maked it sound like PJ is not eating him out and is instead playfully playing with him and PaRappa is just moaning at it. he's just like me for realzez

ramble #93 : another thing on pj berri's much mumbs

also, at the end of the second season's episodes, pj's house is a little different then when we see it the first time. most notably, the frog thing parappa has on his hat is a picture on the wall. why is that there? did pj listen to parappa's house design tips? did parappa put that there himself? i have so many questions about those episodes!!

ramble #94 : sound it out

sounding it out isn't a reliable method. notibly, i pernonce things weird, speel them wietd too. hwo abit ut?

ramble #95 : she does the bed...

she does who now??

ramble #96 : L

Is he getting screwed? - no, he is getting fucked

ramble #97 : oh my gawd!

if i had a nickel for everytime a prompt generator called PJ a virgin i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice right? (on two sperate generators!)... guys it happened again... and again... and once more i'm pretty sure

ramble #98 :memeries bring back memeries

i love being reminded of things by things that are mostly unrelated

ramble #99 : odds aren't lookin' odd

got 99 problem and a what ain't one

ramble #100 : YEAH BABY!


ramble #101 : how many dogs?

rawr means i love you in dinosour

ramble # 102 : 100% ture

a baby worm is called a squigglet

ramble #103 : what's the difference really?

how dare you mix me up with those FREAKS- i am a zoophile, not a fucking furry!

ramble #104 : i'ma furry

guys that last ramble was a joke, i am a furry please don't think i hate furries

ramble #105 : ahh

i feel like i don't qualify for things. like i'm dinagnosed with autisim (and ad(h)d??) but i don't feel like i fit. i don't know if i fit with therians, i might fit in with otherkin, but at the same time i don't feel like i really do. no matter what i don't feel like i am whatever things, and it makes me upset. cause i wanna say i'm this or that, but it never seems like i am so i'd be lying if i did say i was. and i feel like i'm just faking shit, whiich, if i am, does it matter? does it matter if it's all fake if it feels so real? i don't know... i just wanna know

ramble #106 : noose

i'll hang myself on her noose if you know what i mean- *gets fucking sufficated*

ramble #107 : uhm, actually

nooses aparently are suppose to break your neck... how nice!

ramble #108 : fire at him

all teh best gmes hs air striked and attacks from above

ramble #109 : cromulent

it is... acceptable...

ramble #110 : whO0o!

bigass number!

ramble #111 : oohh~

spooky... not really though...

ramble #112 : dick chicken

"hey dude you wanna play dick chicken?""no dude i don't even have a dick.""aww :("

ramble #113 : *naps*

i've had a few snore'd'oeurves in my life

ramble #114 : teeth

that's something my heart has! dental organs :)

ramble #115 : local dog fucker fucks local dog!

"we should have saw this coming," states news reporter

ramble #116 : rhyme

if you can't suck teat prepare to get beat

ramble #117 : cunty

i read that as cute n' funny for some reason i i find it amuzeing...how do you spell that word

ramble #118 : wait a mintue

how small can i make text?? really small...i guess

ramble #119 : fun thoughts

child walking into an animal shelter and walks out having learnt some new things about themselves (they're a zoophile)

ramble #120 : woah!

that number is probably cool to someone

ramble #121 : weirdo am i?

is it weird to have an entire txt docment filled with nsfw prompts? asking for a friend...

ramnle #122 : haha 22

parappa is the only person to say their rival's name... or spike is the only person to have their name said by their rival. i think it's kinda funny, cause parappa and spike never actually met, even in commerials. the only people parappa met in the ads were the apes. i think parappa likes the apes more than spike, and he learned spike's name through the apes, and spike hasn't learned of parappa's name, but does know of him. i never played the games but i doubt that playstation all-stars is ever referanced in any games that came after it, but it doesn't mean that he can't know of him!! (unless he says something like he has never seen a dog before, but i don't think he would say that) ...i think that that cat (toro?) also says their rivals name, but whatever it's not common, let me have this

ramble #123 : hhaahhaa 123...

the only time i ever had a crossover in my mind was in the sex dungeon!!

ramble #114 : so funnnny

i was on a prompt generator (can you guess for what?) and it had "PaRappa: Take off your clothes" which was funny alone right? pj doesn't have clothes! but then i hit randomize again, and it was just "PJ:" and i thought that was the funniest thing

ramble #115 : hill or hell

i just got "woken up" (i say cause "" i was already awake) and my thought just before was something really horny, like i was thinkin' of dick, and then right after i had an image in my mind i hear, "it's time to wake up!!" or something like that... pretty funny

ramble #116 : the value of sucking co-

mmmm, my faviorte!!

ramble #117 : forget forgeting forgot

i was looking at fanfiction about pj, and then i went to go do something else, and then i kept doing something else, and i went on tumblr, saw some old graphics about sleep, was like, "cool," until i read, "i live in my PJs" and then i was like, "oh right the fanfiction!!" ...i love forgetting things and then remembering them

ramble #118 : endowedd

"'I had two brothers who were both better endowed than me' · 'even more objectionable are his mostly gratuitous descriptions of generously endowed women'" why do you know how big your brothers' dick (or boobs) are huh??

ramble #119 : kitty man

now, i love cats. every cat! all of them. but the masculine ones?? they are sooo purrfect. i love all of them, but i cannot not pick favz

ramble #120 : bigas numbe

uh hu oh ho

ramble #121 : num

i feel like none of the people i talk to like me and i don't like that. why don't they talk to me? i'm not that rude, am i? i hate it so much, i just want people to talk to...

ramble #122 : i twent wto

STOP hiccuping and start acting like the mammal you are! YOU DO NOT HAVE GILLS IDIOT!!!! god.

ramble #123 : wow

haha 123 1 2 3... now we have to wait for 1234

ramble #124 : not a stolen joke dwai

you can't spell subtext without buttsex :D

ramble #125 : one twenty five

being exposed to sex at such a young age may have affected me, but it probably wasn't for the worst right? i like how i am now, and that's all that matters. and when i say exposed to sex i mainly mean figuring out what sex is via the internet. i don't know how young i was, but it was pretty young. i still believed in god! in fact, i searched up "animal sex" because i thought it was only sex with humans that was adultry, and it was fine if it was just animals right? google images must have been filtered, for better or for worse. i did see an image of a woman being knotted by a husky, and then it went south from there i guess

ramble #126 : repeat repeat repeat

am i repeating myself a lot? probably, i can't seem to rememeber what i have and haven't said, and who knows if you have even read it! therefore i think it is a good thing that i repeat myself uwu

ramble #127 : 1 2 and

wow, i didn't know knuckles was a number! you learn something new everyday

ramble #128 : boysenberry

boysenberries are a hybrid between blueberries and raspberries! wow! anyway, wanna hear about i how fucked your mom?

ramble #129 : homosexuality

i'm gay, lesbian, whatever you wanna call it. a homophile if you will. but if a guy is wearing a sertin outfit then i just have to say yes, y'know? i do like watching and reading about guys having sex despite the fact that i'm not really into them. that's weird. odd, even. i also have quite the breeding kink for someone who hates pregnacy with a burning passion. i hate it when i read/watch something and they mention that, like leave you preg kink out of my breeding kink! or maybe i'm the weird one, idk. i need sleep lol

ramble #130 : number is bigger than 0.7880122

i sure having been doing these for a while, huh? goal is 1 million, if i live that far

ramble #131 : WHat?!?!

stripper poles spin in place?? santa isn't real?? what þͤ frick frack. you learn somethin' new every year or so

ramble #132 : rats!

oh no! all the dog semen i collected fell into my mouth!! guess i'll have to collect more :(

ramble #133 L pro pr- ouch

i'm not procrastinating, i'm just waiting for the scanline to sync!... i popped my shoulder

ramble #134 : message block

are the meesage blocks supposed to look like speakers??

ramble #135 : teh scratch cat pokemon

did you know that serif is refering to the little lines on text? and sans means without serifs? i didn't...

ramble #136 : nice 240

that was nice... UNTIL IT WASN'T >:(

ramble #137 : one tail

i'm working on a warrior cat name genator for a game on scratch, and the first name i got was "one tail". y'know, i think that's the amount of tails a cat is suppose to have?

ramble #138 : lots of people

whenever i decied to add some things and looked at my site views, it was at exactly 2,350. that's a nice even number. everytime i look at the stats for the views, people have have isted the site before have vist my site more than people who haven't. for example: if 10 people viewed my site yesterday, then like 7 of those would be from people who have visted before (not exactly but you get the point right?) and i wanna say thanks for looking at my site!! i didn't really think people would vist this site much, let alone people who have already seen it. i hope you enjoy your stay. i don't think view counts matter that much, but i still enjoy knowing people view my site. don't feel pressured to come back tho. i'll be fine either way. i don't see people talk much about stuff like that, probably because it's not important and there's not really a place to put it, but i thought 2,350 was a fun number and wanted to ramble about it... all of what i said is true exept for may 27th 2023, that had 8 vists, all by new people. how odd

ramble #139 : pleasing a girl doggy

i had this dream where i was doing stuff, and this puppy kept getting in the way, then, at some point, i went upstairs to find more (adult) dogs. there was one dog, a female who seemed to be in heat, was pushing herself against me. so, like any good dog owner (i don't know if they were my dogs, i just know they were the puppy's mom), i decied to please her sexually. i thought about how i heard that female dogs also have a clit much like humans, so i aimed for that. rubbed her a bit and she was panting like crazy. my mother was near the bottom of the steps so i had to work fast. then she eventualy squirted off to the side, it was quite impressive, and her vagina was very open after that for some reason. my mother came upstairs just in time for me to get away, and then i woke up. this is the second sexual dream i've had, and i hope more like this are to come! (haha get it? come cum hehe...)

ramble #140 : uh oh spagatios

bag fucking numberrr!!! lets goooOooooooooooo00oo0ooOOoooOoOOooOOOOooo0ooo000OOOO0Ooo))Oo0o0o0000oo0O0O)O)O)Ohweukrfbuk!

ramble #141 : i already knew thsi

if you hover the colors on ms paint, it gives you a color name!

ramble #142 : bat facts

whole apple

ramble #143 : vrrooomm

why is the car hot?

ramble #144 : i realized

y'know, i feel like i say things that others may not like, or find weird even. oh well. if they can't handle me at my owo they don't deserve me at my :3

ramble #145 : autisssssssim

as someone with the autisim i can confirm that it's fun and quirky. did i have a total breakdown over something too loud? yes. was that fun and quirky? also yes. i mean yeah there're bad parts but i don't like the bad parts either! if i could just have the goodies and none of the bad i would. never understood the whole "oh, but you don't want the bad parts" like neither do you? i don't. c'mon man. also, if someone wanted to copy my mannerisims and how i act, i'd feel great. like i'm not a massive fuck-up who can't do anything right and is always doing something wrong. if someone wants to be like me, wants to be me, then that means someone out there likes me and that's all that matters right? someone finds me desirable and that's all i wanna be. why stop people from being happy just because it you dislike it? i see no harm in wants or desires. not to mention, when people say stuff like what i said in quotes, that that also applies to trans(gender) people? it's not easy being trans either. being a woman in this world can be hard, yet i don't hear these people saying shit like "oh, but you just want the good parts of being a woman!!" maybe they do say that, but i'm sure a lot of them don't. at least, the people i've seen don't. i don't understand how hard it is to grasp that people can have trans desires outside of gender. if you can feel that way about gender, then why not anything else? why only gender? it just doesn't make any sense

ramble #146 : o uh oh!

i think i need some sleep, that'd be nice. but what happens when you sleep and dream. why do dreams act like that. it's so weird when i'm in a half dream half perfectly awake but tired state. i see stuff but it easily goes away when i refocuos (didn't spell that right but whateves). i wish i could do that more often

ramble #147 : i must confess

the song "hit me baby one more time" was playing and after it was done, a song named "the sign" played... i guess she got the sign she was asking for!

ramble #148 : memes

that was my knee you spoony bard!

ramble #149 : cant wait

i can't wait for craig's zeta halo tour in 2560!!! all my friends will be there. including mr.guttbuttman

ramble #150 : woop

yeah i'm going to keep doing this till i stop. BIG NUMBERZZ!

ramble #151 : calws

tigerCLAW brambleCLAW what were you THINKING

ramble #152 : fuck! fuck! fuck!

fully evolved fenikin (blazeitkin?(i don't know how to spell their names o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ)) x meowscarada 11/10 (esp if they're gay, les or otherwise)

ramble #153 : pok vio

oh hey this is a cool bed... wait why is it fading to black? am i taking a nap?! "one week later" WTF?!?!

ramble #154 : swears

today i learned a new swear word. bugger, to british people, is a mild swear word (according to bing). i never knew when i was calling somthing a 'little bugger', i was in fact swearing. i think this proves that swear words are stupid. oh, you're gonna call me a bitch? a female dog? well you bug-

ramble #155 : yes the last one was due to pokemon

i love pokemon, i love the pokemon, i love it all. i do however miss being happy (not being told i'm weird and gross for liking the pokemon sexually)

ramble #156 : websit

sit on the web... trust us, it's not like we're spiders or anything....

ramble #157 : webste

i love going on google images and looking at the websites that the drawings are on. i didn't know there was a website called smutt i forgot the rest! how neat. i would go on the websites but uhh, i hate everything with doing anything on google soo... i should get an email for people to send me messages on. can't be that hard. uhh, if i do, it would either be in that about me, or, in that spot that i may or may not add stuff in. so stay tuned! (but dont cause it will take a while)

ramble #158 : pornsmuttpor

someone should write (or draw) smutt of sanke, simon, and bomber man (the rectangular head-shaped guy that blows stuff up, might even blow some guys)... why? no reason... no reason at all ( ̄3 ̄)~♪

ramble #159 : smash ;

my fav smash bros. character!!1! zelda's girlfriend!! who's that? we don't name unimportant women here

ramble #160 : namber

big member ;)

ramble #161 : gamer girl batherwater

bathwater is such a horrible name for a girl. should've named her bathettewater or something. also i hope your mother jacks you off you bitch-slapping ass-kicking mother of all fucks

ramble #162 : ggogle is homopjhppbiec

why does it keep closing oh my god i don't want to keep signing in on a priv tab on edge please for the love of fuck just let me do what i need i need to do

ramble #163 : pngs jngs mngs

did you know you can open an image with notepad? i sure didn't. it's pretty interasting to see all the weird characters. also that other thing seems to be fixed now :D

ramble #164 : mile stone

dammit i missed my 100th update >:( now i'll have to wait for two thousand!!!

ramble #165 : succcubus

i always knew pj was a succubus

ramble #166 : hbhbhb

uhhh, what?

ramble #167 : katy and paula

i feel like paula had a "i kissed a girl and i liked it" moment with katy. she seems like she would like both girls and boys, and katy helps her (either on purpose or not) figure that out. but i have to ruin it so they also have sex. like, scissoring. then she's like, "you know what? maybe i am gay". they had a small, unofficial thing. they weren't girlfriends, more like a means to an end. haha get? girlfriEND means to an END... the funniest jokes are the ones you have to explain. would scissoring be as effective with cainine and feline pussies? i feel like it wouldn't, but oh well. these guys aren't real, so who cares? i love this headcanon so fucking much

ramble #168 : one more

but that's what you said last time!!! :(

ramble #169 : L

nice number ;))

ramble #170 : oh my god let me do

BIG number

ramble #171 : dog is phobic

are you calling my dog gay? i'll have YOU know that this birch is a homophobe. she fucking bit me while i was trying to kiss my girlfriend!

ramble #172 : not at all related to sunny Funny

hey google how do i fuck a plant?

ramble #173 : if this video gets 10 views-

2,450 views? on my site? it's more likely than you think!

ramble #174 : taking a look at stats is weird

on june 9th i uhh got the same number of special vists and total vists (no i don't know how to spell unquiek) and then on another day, june 11th, i got 166 not special views?? how?? i don't rememeber it going above 50, that's over twice! (over thrice in fact)! thank you all for visting my site! i hope i can previde what you are looking for :)

ramble #175 : have i messed up these titles yet?

ah yes, the boob tube. otherwise known as the telly!

ramble #176 : vent ig

i'm writing on a phone so this might be shit but oh well. i fucking hate it when my brother acts like he's fucking better than me, or when he doesn't amit when he's we wrong. like i don't do that either but at least i don't say anything. he just either acts like he was right anyway or be so rude about it. none of which is fun. not to mention how he makes me cry, gets mad that i cried, and demand that i do what he says anyway. like i can't fucking stop crying when you are the reason why i am. you can't fucking tell me to stop crying and you'll leave me alone when the entire reason why i want to be left alone is because i'm crying. you can't act like me not getting your stupid joke is a failing on my part. your jokes aren't funny when they negatively effects someone's mental state. how fan you tell me to stop doing something, something i'm only doing because of you, when you can't even do something that doesn't even effect you. why can't you understand that i just want to be left alone sometimes. when you get mad at everything i do why do you expect me to do anything? i don't like getting yelled at dipshit. you get that tone like your better than me because what? you're more mentally sound? you don't fucking care about anyone? sorry that i experience emotions. you told me i was annoying for crying so i don't fucking cry around you. yet you go out of your way to make me feel horrible. i was in my own room you fucking asshole. yet you standed at the doorway, being as demanding as ever, telling me to do things that i fucking couldn't. what do you want from me? what did i fucking do? god

ramble #177 : uht

whoa, sorry guys, that last post was kinda a lot... anyway you wanna hear more :D

ramble #178 : god amogus

pfft, these guys don't know about the picky razz twister

ramble #179 : seventy nine

wait so people scream on roller coasters because they can't control it? i thought they were just doing it for fun, like no way could someone scream from this. huh

ramble #180 : huge


ramble #181 : didn't get it unhappily

i still want that toy, man... why must god be so cruel

ramble #182 : perhapsc

There must be at least 5 zebras under this thing

ramble #183 : dsss

there was just an entire fucking ds in there. huh. i guess it makes sense, since it probably would have been more effort to make somethings new than to just slap a thing or two on

ramble #184

what do you do when you hear a "!"... asking for a friend

ramble #185 : hummping

i read *humming "Never Gonna Give You Up" unironically* as *humping "Never Gonna Give You Up" unironically* and i was midly confused

ramble #186 : blue whaleussy

if you're shoter than 3 feet then good job. you are smaller that a whale's clit. the biggest clit there is... well, besides the clit from your mom. trust me, that shit's BIG

ramble #187 : glad i clicked this

"You two cannot just call eggs "Unripened Feather Babies" and expect me to not scold you." --- i think i can! it is true and i shouldn't be scolded for it! (i'm two people now)

ramble #188 : fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-


ramble #189 : what i came here foor

1. Poorly-Prepped Anal 2. Poorly-Prepped Anal 3. Blood Kink --- oh, oh god. that doesn't sound good


asdfghjfdsaASDFGHJKYTDSAghjkjhgfgds DUYUUUKWJGHtkhgukguhukJhuukhuHhghjgujhuGKUGUHhhgoku

ramble #191 : jumpscarerr

i was doing a thing, and all of a sudden i hear a "WOOOoOOO!" and it scared the shit out of me

ramble #192 : rdsbnhf


ramble #193 : transparent glitch?

in ms paint if you paste a transparent image, move it around with another image behind it, then click "copy", if you paste it again it would save whatever the image had behind it, which is pretty weird if you ask me

ramble #194 : 8====D

todo list: slowdance to gangnam style in 2073

ramble #195 :bbygurl

lammy is a babygirl she: is tortured by voices (probably) is cursed by god (her alarm clock doesn't wake her up) does have a small waist does have a criminal record (crashed a plane, jaywalked) and has died once! all of which makes her once, by force

ramble #196 : hot 96

isn't it weird how it's doing that thingy thing but only if you yes? how about when i jump and toss boomerang bum bum tip top tangy tang tang 🤔

ramble #197 : what am i talking about

what the hell ughhhhh, what's a word that's like AHHH but for mild screaming? cause ah just sounds like a moan to me and ahhhh sounds like a longer one... gyjgyhhgyv

ramble #198 : you can't fuck that dog! you're too big!

i saw a tiktok(?) the other day about a two dogs, one small and one big, trying to fuck and a guy was yelling out the window, "YOU CAN'T FUCK THAT LITTLE DOG! THAT'S RAPE!" and i just couldn't not think about matt and parappa. like bro you are almost twice his size.

ramble #199 : found out what that what is

got 99 problems but being a girl ain't one

ramble #200 : omg


ramble #201 : oh boy hope i don't start typing 1

testing testing 1 2 3 boobies and tittes all 4 me!

ramble #202 : arrt style

do u ever start drawing in a random style for no reason? never to draw that way again? yeahh

ramble #203 : god fuck meh

i don't know how discord works but it kinda sucks it's trying to make me change me god-given username :/

ramble #204 : nerodivergent jelly

found 'em in the ocean :3

ramble #205 : god why

why is the search bar in file explorer not working?!?! GOD

ramble #206 : 64 bits

4 bits are called a nibble apparently :]

ramble #207 : the term partner

what are we, detectives? cowboys? detective cowboys? just call me a theyfriend, or just say mate. like a normal person

ramble #208 : allz the good stuff

hi can i get a sweet tea with some lettace, tomatos, some sauce too...

ramble #209 : 2009? can't wait

i've been listening to the milionaires recently and they have some really good songs. i've basicly listening to "scene music" playlists while playing minecraft and let me just say, it's a VIBE. i might record a minecraft let's-play of me just playing minecraft and having that music in the background. i use my brother's account though so i might need to change skin just in case

ramble #300 : it's been a loong day, without you my friend

and i'll tell you all about it when i see you again... sorry uhh BIG NUMBERR!

ramble #301 : sparring you

spare or spar? i didn't pay attention in class so i can't tell. that's a story for a different ramble. you don't wanna know how much i am sparing you from. you should thank me deeply for it. i am being kind

ramble #302 : putting my defenses up, cause i don't wanna fall in love

my computer loves giving me a heart attack. it'd do something and i close it (because it's a laptop, not a computer or moniter) and it would be fine. or i just wait it out... but that doesn't make the experance any less spooky though!

ramble #303 : higher skies

minecraft won't add inches to my cock?! what am i even playing for then >:(

ramble #304 : readdessdsdededed

why yes i'm a reading warrior, how can you tell?

ramble #305 : 405

hey hey hey, you know what they say? howdy? how do you do? much much, if i say. neo neo beo beo... shitington of fucks are being given to nee!

ramble #306 : some matt major headcanons

i feel like he watches hentai. he's also the one who likes maid dresses. idk it just seems like something he'd like. maybe katy askes him to give a second opion on a dress she'd made. he'd also like seeing parappa in dresses uwu. parappa probably helps try out some of katy's dresses, the ones that would be too small for her or matt. matt's probably the tallest one in the friend group, and makes fun of parappa's shortness sometimes. (he doesn't mock ma-san becuase he is low-key intimidated by her...them i think ma-san goes by they/them, but doesn't mind being called a girl(also does he even know ma-san??)). matt and paula live next to each other, and that's why their friends, because they cannot escape each other. matt likes being called "sir". uhhh, i might add more later... all of this is just based off of VibesTM

ramble #307: dirty dirty songs

i'd go to a lyrics video of a dirty song and a lot of the comments are like, "OMG i didn't realized how sexual this song was XD," or, "i was singing this when i was like 6 💀" and like, i had this turtle that song a part of the apple bottom jeans song, and while i'm surpised by how sexual it got, that's probably because the turtle didn't play that part. i think it got to the end of "...and she gave that big booty a smack!" line and that's it. but for other songs, i don't think i was ever that surprised...

ramble #308 : binarry funny

01111001 01101111 011100101 01110010 00100000 01101101 0111010 01101101 --> yor¹6ºm ... i think i might've fucked something up...

ramble #309 : this is even worst


ramble #310 : yipssssssssssss

can you belieivevieeasdedhaski it? biiiiggg nummber... whoop whoop!!

ramble #311 : it used to me your mt

your mum... that's what it was oh my god. all that work for a your mom joke :'3

ramble #312 : AND IT'S BRI'ISH?!


ramble #313 : flashing bright colors by beloved less than three

fuck this shit i fucking hate it all... not really though uwu

ramble #314 : sowwy

i should really stop doing things in the middle of the night...

ramble #315

oh my gosh why is making shit on scratch so hard??? (i'm making it more work)

ramble #316 : knewsszzsjjkln

you know what would be funny? if i just started talking about my charaters and stories as if people actually know what/who they are. that'd be fun fun for me

ramble #317 : ohmymymyyy

so... uhh... what should i write... :0 I KNOW!! jaba maba haba da... juba kuba duba duba du.. lapo napo fapo o, cusay noway kilsay nayway

ramble #318 : waht was i suppose to put here?

dang people are acting like finding something sexual in something that's not is new. like, that's been a thing since foreeevvvveeerrr. so. grow up, get with the program, people are horny and find things sexual. it's not the end of the world

ramble #319 : doggy dog tip

yesterday i went to a cosions house and they have a male dog. i managed to see a little bit of the dogs dick! not like anyone did anything with him, he was probably just exicited about my mom... like all my other friends

rambe #320 : L big num

num num in my tum tum go yum yum!!

ramble #321 : tumblr is a weird place huh?

i think i just got offered drugs?? idk, they didn't prepare me for this in school. what the hell. why me?? why in general? i have soo many questions and not enough anwsers :(

ramble #322 : tragic events in history

can't believe sonic forgot his parashuot when he dumped off of that plan :(

ramble #323 : freddbearr :P

fredbear chewing on a bone that looks like the crying child... yumpty...

ramble #324 : what type of LOOORRREEE is this?

why does casey's mouth need saving by spiderman? seems kinda odd... i don't know who casey is anyway

ramle #325 : deja vu- i feel like ive written this thing before!!

looked at ramble #323 and had a biiiggg sense of deja vu, not just because i did in fact write it, but only gor the first bit... the yumpty is left out. hmmm, i have weird dreams probably. maybe i thought about that waaayyy before, and god knows what happened in-between

ramble #326 : hehe funty

i didn't mean to but the fanf ramble and the lore joke so close together haha

ramble #327 : ilk m

hey i got a little itch, think you can help me? only seven inches long- oh, it was solved by drinking water!

ramble #328 : metatons of leg

leg so hot, hot hot leg, leg so hot you fry an egg ... yes yes

ramble #329 : lighthouse purple

slut and slutette, my fav way to finish a story!

ramble #330 : woal


ramble #331 : ao fucking 3

of course the time i decide to post on ao3 it's down. due to a ddos attack or something. aghh!! why are people so mean?? i know why, but just, why?

ramble #332 : caann't belive it

i can't believe it... nagito is forbidden... noooo!!!

ramble #333 : all 3's

3s, 3's? who cares

ramble #334: pornoszfewfiewheiw

what do you mean you're not suppose to experaince pain during your first time? where's the fun in that?! i don't have tiimmmeee for foreplay!

ramble #335 : killer king

the bones rememeber... the bones want to go back... they will go back...

ramble #336 : i knew thattt

"i'm bisexual fo animals!...wait" i don't rememeber a single other thing from that video really, but that has always stuck to me

ramble #337 : burden

i would rather have a mental breakdown than to be a burnden. it's not my fault you care about me crying, cause you shouldn't. i'm fine, i'll get over it. why are you making this a bigger deal than it is? you're only making it worse.

ramble #338 : best prono opening

honey the lemon whores are stealing our lemons again!! no, not the fanfics, the other lemons- god damn- THE TREE LEMONS, LENDIE, ON THE LEMONN TREE!!

ramble #339 : querched up white boy bussing it down saxual style

anyway who else is tryna be a bobcat? transspecices or something, idk what i am. but bobcat feels right, i like bob and i like cats, it's acurate. but not a normal bobcat, a funky one :3

ramble #340 : wow

woman doing drugs? my favv... also bbig numberr

ramble #341 : speedrun walk

i don't HATE people who walk slow... i'm just a fast walker and find it annoying. like i knoow the general population can't handle my speeds but like c'mon. you know? i don't wanna walk and stop and walk and stop, or walk annoyingly slow to keep up with them, (or keep down?)... i knooow it's not their fault- but i'm uwu special, so like, either keep up or don't idc

ramble #342 : what why??

why did it turn into a different language (spanish)?? "Tengo que admitir que eres un cachorrito mu adorable", dijo acercando su rostro al de PaRappa, hablando con un tono que hizo que PaRappa se pusiera aún más nervioso ("I have to admit that you are a very adorable puppy," He said bringing his face closer to PaRappa's, speaking with a tone that made PaRappa even more nervous. < -- acording to google translate)[Such a cute pup as yourself is a beauty worth viewing," she pushed her face closer to PaRappa's, and talked in such a tone that only made PaRappa even more of a flustered mess. < -- was the orignail text]

ramble #343 : why do i number these?

i mean, what's the point? they're't dates, so i can't even tell when i made them (unless i add the date here) so what's the point? i guess if you want to find a thing easier instead of remembering the name you can do that, but i repeated some so that's no-good

ramble #344 : NO GOD PLEASE NO, NO! NOOOOOO!

oh God not the vegan buttered popcorn!!11! oh no anything but that PLEASE! I BEGETH YOU!!!one!!

ramble #345 : smh shanking my h

you canNOT be homophobic when you are getting pegged my marget every other night, john.

ramble #346 : pstrongsttrongp


ramble #347 : btuywfurnedd

ello yes this is my boyfriend :) their name is Mally TheMcRibsIsBack Fetcher, any questions?

ramble #348 : poksmoens

if you mix records, you'll swap old men! don't ask how i know this, everyone either does or doesn't, that's how it is

ramble #349 : YIPPIE ... consider death

those are two very different reactions...

ramble #350 : god i hate- BIG NUMBERR!! :D

wop wopp wopppppo woooopopwopwopwopwopwqopowpwopwopwowp

ramble #351 : cock cock coke coke


ramble #352 : okay actually this time

i saw a two birds fight today, the flew away though

ramble #353 : bush hid the facts

man i'm just a mojibake

ramble #354 : how deep??

your love is as deep as about 260 unicode symbols :)

ramble #355 : 55 666 77 88 99 100

i have a feeling that what i'm doing isn't good, cause it hurts, but the pain feels so good

ramble #356 : man that's aasddsa

i missed 345 :(

ramble #357 : man, is it phat?

being called an 8 rather than a 10 is better to me tbh. i like the number eight, it sounds better, looks better, and is awesome. my fav number is 18

ramble #358 : priorites

"nooo you can't sexualize that charater, that's a child!" that's also literaly a dog but ok

ramble #359 : didnt knwos ahtatatt

huh, didn't realize that you could make blue dye from lapis lazuli... how long has that been a thing?

ramble #360 : xbox?

360 no scope!big number yeah whatever

ramble #361 : babe wake up new copypasta just dropped

Oh my god, of course you only read Shonen, you half-baked meathead. How about you stop with the manga and pick up some real literacy? Oh wait, a book doesn't have pictures, so I guess it's out of the question for witless photo lovers like yourselves who have no sense of media literacy. Oh, honestly, how do people like you do it? Just "read" panels of mindless, repetitive, egregious fighting over and over again. I endear your low attention spans. Truly, I do. It must be magical being impressed by the most simplistic forms of idiocy. You people are no better than slug eyed mouth-watering neanderthals. If by any chance I've changed your miniscule, insignificant curiosity, why not read some Edgar Allan Poe...actually, how about something on your level. Hmmmm, oh, I know! Dr Seuss.

ramble #362 : soldd!

gender is lie made up by the goverment to sell more bathrooms

ramble #363 : 3 sixty 3


ramble #364 : super fighter-man

wow i didn't think chun li and sonic could be friends! i thought they'd duke it out. huh, you really learn somethin' knew everyday huh?

ramble #365 : time wierd ahhh

what? i thought the last time i checked the clock it was 12:45... it has not been only thirty seconds, why? maybe it was 11:45 before, but then why do i think it was 12?

ramble #366 : anyway :333

it's thursday the 20th!!! :0

ramble #367 : 6677 let go

i didn't realize that bitch could refer to female otters... that's odd since all the others are wolf, dog, and fox!

ramble #368 : ansmal crossingg

raymond gave me an ironwood chair recipe in a bottle :D

ramble #369 : he eh six niine

okay, you know the story about the crane and the zookeeper? how the crane loves the zookeeper and sees him as her mate? yeah, and he gets her preggers with other birds' semen? i have so much i wanna say about that. you don't understand

ramble #370 : -300

LETS A-GO! 370 OF THESE BABY! WOOO! they should add capital numbers it doesn't feel like they fit :(

ramble #371 : wooble sex

they should have a sex mod for wobbledogs. what's inbetween their legs? not even god wants to know but I know better than him. they have 50 pairs, there's got to be sometihng. let the giant robot dog in on the fun aswell. fuuccckkkk. imagen if their dicks/pussies/whatever the fuck else worked like every other body part. they have 6 legs but 15 different dicks. one has a knot two have spikes, three, well, it odd. big dicks small dicks, huge and tight pussy, small and loose pussy. everything. idk about how modding is in wobbledogs nor do i know how to code/3D modle, but i think this is a great idea. they should also be able to fuck each other. god i wanna watch them fuck. why is this getting weird. oh my god. ooohhh

ramble #372 : yeah.,,,

i'd trans. when u. gaby. gin't. mayday, ahhh

ramble #373 : i fgormg!!

i feel like there is a better way to write these. i could get an email just for people to talk to meh but i'm lazzzyy. i feel bad, cause there is a better way to those this most certainly, but i can't make myself care enough to actualy figure it out. same with a lot of other things. like drawings. i like drawing! but i can't make myself do it a lot of the time :(

ramble #374 : 74 seems important

i'm a dumbass bitch... tweet chirp chop blurp

ramble #375 : powerranger

RPM is my power ranger thing. it's a car thing.

ramble #376 : gethu

the arson "that was easy" button. arson is easy. burn baby burn!

ramble #377 : oviss

bowling balls bounce and spontanisly cumbust. that's why they leave a white residue. trust me, it happened to my brother's sister's friend's friend who had an uncle who had an aunt who knew a friend that knew a guy who had this happen to them

ramble #378 : sometimes i wish, i could lend you my-

i look at what i write before and sometimes i laugh. might even chuckle, if i feel like it. other times i look and i'm like. what. the. ??fuck. why- what possised me to write this. why has god made me this whay? WHY GOD?! EWGH!!!!

ramble #379 : almost forgot about this :'D

if sonic runs at the speed at sound would you hear and see him at the same time. like how you see lightning before you hear thunder. if he said something and the ran in the direction would you seee and hear him at the same time? or would you see him first? hear him first?? i don't know, it's 3:42 A.M.

ramble #380 : BIG number!

nu,bber :D

ramble #381 : GOD FUCKING


ramble #382 : stay on track for the love of god

4 is for z! what is z for? you know~ ;)

ramble #383 : hupf

when i was locking through the minecraft tag on ao3 cause i was looking at authors bios i saw that most have been made in 2021. when i when to the bnha/mha tag the first author i clicked had one work and their account was made in 2017. which does mean that my roblox account is older than their ao3 one. very interasting!

ramble #384 : positivly duck you

*sighs* this is a promblem for a different day

ramble #385 : too lazy to wait til 98

"’S tart ’s a strawberry tart" they say js dot org.

ramble #386 : how to not make a sgmae

when i make a game, it's gonna have great features. like an 18 mintue long cutscene talking about horrible shit. yeah, i'm sure that's a great idea! /joke

ramble #387 : setx

i wanna draw/write gay smutt of roblox and tumblr... that'd be amazing. :3

ramble #388 : did ya knoow?

that is you type "awesome" into youtube while watching a video the bar will be rainnbow-a-fied? that's cool, right? why do i say that so much...

ramble #389 : helpful vids

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9UpAHN8NEw this is helpful!! i swear guys (it's not a rickroll)

ramble #390 : i feel like i'm forgeting somthing


ramble #391 : desovle

i shove my malachite into my vagaygay but it dissovles. no worries, i had a spare. i shove that one in my asshole. it does'nt dissoclve. awesome. i procced to a to ab uliding. "the horrible and frankly bad store". just were i left it. i go in. i talk to the man at the counter. "hey is anyone here?" "no," they say, "everyone left 5 mintues ago." "damn" i say. "but you're still hear?" i ask. "yeah. i'm not anyone though. i'm someone" someone says. "oh" i say. "yeah" they say. "do you wanna have sex right now?" i ask, desbrate. "yeah." they say, also desbret. i position myself on top of the counter, legs spread. i wasn't wearing pants or underwear in the first place. my great vagaina was stained green-blue from the malachite, but someone didn't cared. he had a big dick, like the size of this wallnut except way bigger. he caresed my furry (i'm a cat) legs. she noticeed the malachite in my ass, she moans from the pleasure. she grabs the end, and gently pushes it in and out of me. eye yelp in surprise, but it turns into a moan soon enough. while they did that, they put their dick in me. just the tip tho. "ah" i say. "you like that slut?" he barks. he is part dog btw. "yes mama" i say. he smirks. he shoves he dick fully into me. "oh my god" i say. "i'm your god now," my god says. "please father, harder." "ok bby gurl, i got you." she quickens the pace of he malachite shoving and her thrusting. i moan in pleaser. someone used a free hand too rub my cilt-dick. it felt good. "your'e a hore," they say. "i'm your little whore" i say back. they growl happily at that. xe begins to make out with me. they have a 10ft long tounge. it feels good in my mouth/throat. i cum on the spot. "messy" he xe syas. "sowwy mommy'' i say. i was not sorry. "its okay" someone says. he contuines to pound into my tight pussy and then cums inside of me. i moan from the feeling. "like being bred babe?" "yes" i say. "yes what?" "yesssir" i say. "good... good." she says. ve says "your gonna like what comes next." "what cums next?" i ask. before i could get a response i feel something try to pry its way into me. it seems egg-shaped. "ohh fuc" i say. "feel that?" he says. "yess, feels so good." i say. the egg-shaped thing pushes it's way into me. i moan at every second of it. kinda like thouse weird porn animations. i feel so full. "we're not done" someone says while winking. "i hope not," i say "i wanna feel more." and more i felt. once again an egg-shaped thing pushes it's way into me. it felt bigger than the other one. before i new it i was getting picked up by strong tenticales. they were wrapping around my arms and legs. it spreaded my legs further, giving someone perfet view of my vag. turns out that while i wwasn't looking his cock was replaced by a tenticle. i moan at the realization. "you like getting fucked by a tentical huh? i knew you always where a hoe, but really? you nasty slut" xe says lovingly. "oh god" is all i can say. eggs keep getting pushed into me, i can see my stomach get bigger and bigger. just as i though it couldn't get more pleasureable, i felt something move in my ass. it was the malachite. it was pulsatting, hitting any and all good spots. she also be gan jerking off my clit. i cum for a second time. someone says something, i couldnt hear/understand. the tentical fucking me leaves me, for now. i whine at the lost. "its okay kitten (i'm not a kitten, not anymore, not after what has ben done), they'll come back soon enough." she/he says. i nod sadly. "now what i want you to do is push for me bby. push out the eggs like the good kity you are." "yess mommy." i say. i push on the eggs. they were big, and round. they slowly came out of my cunt, i got to enjoy every long second of it. there were so many eggs. you could make at least 2.3 omlets. they were so wet, i was making a mess. afterwards my gaping pussy awaited for another tenticale. this time, when it shoved it self into me, it wiggled. the wiggleing felt so good. "ohh fuck, more, please." i beggeth. "aww, you really think it'd stop there?" ze says. i felt another tentical rub the outside of my lower lips. it shoved its massive self into me, right next to the wiggling one. i felt so full, even without the eggs. it wiigled aswell. i moaned loud. soon enough there was another one, and another. there were five wiggly tenticales wiggling inside my vaggaina. i didn't think i could do more. i felt more movement in my ass. the malachite was getting bigger. god i was so full, i had to say it. "god i feel so full." i say, "so much..." "i know." someone says. they put there dick in my mouth. it tasted so good. i don't ask how they did it. he fucks my throat. the tenticales fuck in unison. it's so much. i come again. zee cums down my throat, also knotting themselves in my mouth. they don't stop cumming. they tenticales also "cum". they spew out liquids and eggs. i try to moan but i cant. i cum yet another time. except i don't ever come down. a nother tenticle comes my way. it latches on to my dick/clit. it sucks, rubs, does all this and all that. i am in heaven. with my god. i'm even bigger than i was before. with more and bigger eggs. god i want more. i don't need any substance besides someone's cum. i can live here forever. the pile of eggs gets bigger and bigger as i lay more and more. god i'm so full. how did it end up like this? i see another being at the doorway. more fun is to come

ramble #392 : now that's what i call a ramble!

did u guys lik my story?

ramble #392 : humf

when i was 12 i was dreaming of dick (pussy). i think i missed the memo or something

ramble #393 : you dont fucking know me

my brother tried telling me that i didn't have a fear of heights cause i went on rollercosters. like bitch, i was fucking paralized in fear during a contest cause i was up too high. i'm terrified every time i'm picked up. on rollercosters you're secured. i hated the ones were i had wiggle room. fucking terrified of getting up there. was scared on so. many. rides. cause they went up too high and i felt like i was gonna fall. YOU are trying to tell ME, that i don't fucking know me? are you kidding me? i fucking know myself bitch. i know that he has zero self-awareness, but like c'mon man. stop acting like your better than me. it's cringy. he tried telling me i was cringe cause i didn't wanna play with him, and i couldn't help but laugh. we both have autism and adhd. we are the fucking cringe dude. he also got mad at me because i felt pain cause of his movment + his noisies + the loud TV. said that he would have done something if i told him sooner. but because i waited to long (i guess?) he wouldn't do anything. i really like how he tries to act like he cares about me. he constantly does this shit. and he had the audicity to get upset when i didn't tell him i had a headache that one time. cause it hurted her poor feelings. why would i asume that you even care about the fact i'm in pain. after all the pain you cause me. after not fucking caring when i needed care. and you're getting mad cause i didn't tell you something? that's rich. real fucking funny. why would i tell you anything. you called me annoying when i cried. so i try not to fucking cry in frount of you. you get mad any time i seem upset. what is a better reason to get upset at. because someone is talking down to you and acting like you're a fucking dumbass cause you didn't get something they said. or someone covering their ears. tell me why you think you have ever been in the right. it's because you're older than me. despite the fact that it's the same dynamic between you and father, you somehow think it's different. you only think like that because it benifits you. you don't actually think that someone older is better. you think you are better. try caring about other people, then maybe i won't be so upset.

ramble #394 : almost..almost...almost almost almost

hey you look kinda familier... you're a bit green though

ramble #395 : meta comedty

the difference between antartica and the internet is that antartica doesn't exist

ramble #396 : GOTA CATCH 'EM ALL!

i'm eitehr a bashful feebas or a Brave Tinkatink ... i think i like the first one better

ramble #397 : hung23

my wife turned into a space station?!?! (not clickbait)(GONE SEXUAL?!)(at 3AM!!!)

ramble #398 : numbars

2,800 is a good, even number

ramble #399 : it's been 21 years

and it wasn't even a long lasting thing anyway. it was a one and done-... three and done thing! like c'mon man. here comes the choo-choo train!

ramble #400 : big namba


ramble #401 : viddeos that effect ur vocab

emmm handburger snadwitch with diet coka cola >w<

ramble #402 : words that are TOTTALY real

a wathiven is a whole bunch of things combined into one (a bunch of things' amount is whatever you want it to be) -- what-th-ien -- the blob was a wathiven. metal, glass, dye, a bunch of stuff

ramble #403 : FRACKin' halarius

i was having trouble with something in scratch and when it worked the fisrt thing it wrote was "This cat is an orphan" and after i was happy about it working, i realize how funny that was to me. thought i should share

ramble #404 : ramble not found

The requested ramble was not found. What were you even looking for anyway?

ramble #405 : ramble is found!

it's weird to me taht people can just... look at the stuff i make on here. anyone can. wonder if my neighburs have seen anything. probably not, but who am i to know? i wish i could expolre everything everywhere. pausing time would be fun. i could look at everything... finially have enough time. wonder if someone will be able too. hope so, and hope that they have the same desire as me. anyone i'm in need of attention, but have never been to detetion. sounds like pain tho.

ramble #406 : O6 real???

last time hwne i checked the calender it was the 16th, then wen i looked at SONIC THE HEDGCHOG fandom tag on AO3 the first fanfic i saw wa posted on the 17th. so i, as any natral not a human would do, thought, "oh. this must mean that they live in a different time zone, cause it's not the 17th :)." and you would noto fucking belive what i saw. it was the 17th. 12:00. they could still very much be in a different time zone, but it is so fucking funny to imagen someone post sonic the hedchoge fanic at the middle of the night. on the dot. twelve zero zero. haha HAAAAAA

ramble #407 : insult to insult

sh-sh-sh-shrimp-mp boat?! y r u so mien :(

ramble #408 : 408 sounds like an important number oh well though

i want hashbrowns... anyway, on a video that i was watching about spools and when you pull on them you i guessed that if you pull upwards it would go backwards. mainly because i know that would happen from experiance. and you know what this guy said right after i thought about that? he fucking talked about pulling it upwards! the nerve of some people!

ramble #409 : anyhow anywho anywhere anytime anything anyone...

it's weird, or wierd, idk how to spell it. i before e except after c, and sounding like "a" like neighbur and weigh, and weekands and holidays and all throughout may, and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say! it was interasting, i know i watched that person's video before i knew what undertale was. so i knew of fnaf before undertale. still don't know when/how i learned about sex, it seems like i always knew it. i never had "child-like innocence", i never got it. i wouldn't be so mad about it if other people didn't care so much about "protecting" it. to me, it seems like they don't like the fact that children can and do learn of sex, in a non-problamtic ways. i way a weird kid on the weird side of the internet. hated gore sometimes but would willing and enjoyingly watch gore speedpaints/stories/whatever the fuck else other times. it's if they seem unhappy, is the problem for me. i have this weird thing where i sort of feel other's pain, or what i think would be painful for them. it's not very fun, since i end up in both somewhat physical and mental pain. i think looking at gore did more harm to me than sex ever did. i learned about being preggers before sex, which led me to believe that kissing makes you preg. which is untrue btw. it was hot while it lasted though, i guess. i can still remember the fantises i had when i was younger. the sex dungen too. it was weird. or wierd, idk how to spell it.

ramble #410 : biganumber

big number just like my big dick!!!

ramble #411 : ahhh

okay so imagen sun/moon from fanf as bugs. okay you imagening? good

ramble #412 : f 12

you can't spell advertisements without putting semen between tits! thanks perry for this info

ramble #413 : level 2 !!

i didn't know autism had levels. what is this, playstation all-stars? do i get to beat the fuck out of someone? is that the superpower that everyone is talking about?! i knew i had a superpower >:3

ramble #414 : houch

it's fun, remembering random clips of videos and nothing else. yes i know that in a video on the internet that a guy said this/that twelve years ago but i can't rememeber what you said

ramble #415 : we got a 4 15!!! a 4 15!

i'd like femboy farmers to invade my town if you know what i mean heh heh

ramble #416 : it's 16+ hoinker

13, 16, 18, weird shit

ramble #417 : no dick, no quills, no pillows

dick or no dick i'm still gonna smash. that hasn't stopped me before

ramble #418 : foxie

necroanimatophiliac is the sexual attraction to zombies

ramble #419 : plsworkplsworkplswork

𓃲𓃲𓃲𓃲 𓃲𓃲𓃲𓃲 𓃲𓃲𓃲𓃲 www /^\ < -- a scene

ramble #420 : GAH! big number

haha! 420! get it? it's- it's- blaze it! ha haaa!

ramble #421 : fourtwoone

👍 is how my angle feels about me. that's good right?

ramble #422 : sems import

while i'm flattered that you think i've had sex, i'm still very much a virgin. but if you want, you can help make your statement little more accurate ;). though i will say, despite the fact that i love dogs , the bitchy behavior of yourself isn't attracting me as much as you seem to have liked.

ramble #422 : felt horrible yester

like i was freezing! nose cold and i was shivering. also felt like my legs weren't getting enough blood in 'em. don't know if that true or not. had a bad headache and couldn't feel my heartbeat. but i'm fine now

ramble #423 : ciggz

I wasn't calling you a slur i just wanted a cigrate!!! Don't spread that narritive about me you asshole

ramble #424 : 4 2 4

KERCHOO!!! hot and sexy, ready for action! vrooom vroom vrrroom vRRooOoom vrom

ramble #425 : SEMEMEMEEMEMEM

you draw the line at pegging? your weak genes would never survive the harsh winter.

rambe #426 : i'm still standing after all this time

my statagey of jsut ingoring my problems until they go away tends to work. if my problems don't go away, then i just deal with it, and hope i don't die. and i'm not dead yet so something must be working. or i'm just lucky. either way is fine by me. i can't be bothered to care about problems. too much stress

ramble #427 : wondsr

i wonder if anyone gets even half of the things i'm referancing. it's not like i talking about videos from ages ago, it's just that they are really spefic, and spread from mutiple topics, and that's if everyone remembers everything they see. who knows how many people could tell, but due to time or other things they just didn't. it's fun to think about, as the main reason why i'm making these is to preserve my thoughts, as i am very forgetful, and sometimes have something funny to say. i could get a tumblr account, but i'm lazy

ramble #428 : badger

snakes and mushrooms go together. whoever made that song had the right idea in mind

ramble #429 : i'm just waiting

by the phooonnne. but i would like to know what i'm waiting for. life is hard

ramble #430 : that's a time

ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong!!!

ramble #431 : oh my gosh jsut hit save already

glorp anyway have you ever heard of appl? yeahhh, oh and btw, never trust a sign that says free cheese. you may just end up with the rats

ramble #432 : the aveage person on my site probably

i ain't reading all of that

ramble #433 : it is hallow wenn

halloween is the one time of the year where someone can dress up as a total slut and no one else can say anything. slut being an animal of corse

ramble #434 : >:S

tehy got rid of the ability to jump in animal crossing because they knew what people would do with it

ramble #435 : lil'checkup

lil'catalergy coming through let's make some noise!!!

ramble #436 : i'm just a kid

which did you think of? did you think of caiu(don't know how to spell that guy's name sorry)? i liked that show, don't know why people hate on it so much. i found him some-what relatable if i recall correctly. like in one episode, there was a kid with diabites so they could have an orange earlier than lunch time. but caiu didn't know that, so he grabbed his lunch and started to eat it. idk what happens after that

ramble #437 : AUUGHH

"An individual decides that she needs to obtain a second job to save money to purchase a house." < --- how does that show scarcity?? what is in limited supply, her money? WHAT IS IN SCARCITY?? it's not like one of the other options, someone not being able to buy a video game on release day because of limited supply. it's not like the first one where there's a drought. aggghh. maybe it's the autism

ramble #438 : okay he can say it :/

but the next one is funny, he says, "these are just examples you if you haven done any of these, it's fine". it's so funny how he says it

ramble #439 : Froggy frog frog

the frog on paRapp's hat knows all. they are willing to transsend time and space just to tell you you are doing a shity job and are horrible

ramble #440 : four fourity four

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghgggggggggggggggg nmbr

ramble #441 : hormbus

everyone get one the hormbus everyone!!! get your whoremoans here!

ramble #442 : 4ty 2

dat's the meaning of of life. anyway i really hate it when people are like, "if you don't feel this way about something, you're a horrible person!" cause i'm not a very bad-feely type of person. i don't like letting things get to me like that, i don't like feeling bad. doesn't mean i don't care, it just means i don't feel sucky

ramble #443 : i'd be buzzy dead so that wouldnt work

nurse, in love, ...french?

ramble #444 : 4444four4444444$44444

four! :D

ramble #445 : not four :(

you thought it was dio but it was me! fancy!! *gets shot 150 times*

ramble #446 : ajdiaojdoiwh

they should let sonic eat his newborn. like how god intended

ramble #447 : i am the DECIL form THE BIBLE

i enjoy shadow's voice acting on that video. 10/10. should be the voice of shadow, no questions no critiiseim

ramble #448 : whhhhhhhhhhh.h...h.h.hh

ooohhh boy, you thought i was done honry posting? NO! I WILL NEVER BE DONE!! anyway mangle was and still is my fav fnaf charater. i bet their tounges feel verrryyy goooddd. tounges, because there are two heads. twice teh sucking power. lick lick lick. i want her to fuck me. idk how, considering she doesn't even have a body, but i don't mind a little wire play. wrap me up, hold my hands up high while she had her way with me. honestly great. ohhh. too bad im on my period cause i wanna masterbate to her. mhmmmm. do others feel the same? no? they're wrong. oh fuck, her tounge and fingers.. the other head would be fun too. he could lick me, bite me and do god knows what else while mangle does whatever she wants. SO HOT!!!!! Q

ramble #449 : shdw t hdgog

oohhhh i thought when it said "black arms biloigy" it meant that he had black arms... wait a mintue, shadow already has black arms, why would that need a tag??

ramblle #450 : bigg number

having this is waaaayyy better than having a tumblr, cause people are on tumblr (also big number yada yada ya)

ramble #451 : yoirs

who...who pronounces theif like that. makinng it ryhme with faith, those are seperate words! don't even end the same it HAS to be a joke, right?

ramble #452 : fun facts with snowonetree leaves

i made the flashy fastion blinkie and when i went to download it i thought it did it right. turns out it didn't download, and all i had to due was resume because my internet connection. thatnks pony town

ramble #453 : diss thiss

oh fuck guess i'm not disabled. i've never cried myself to sleep because of pain before. my auttie is cured!

ramble #454 : useful matbe knot

my sexuality is all terrain. dead? alive? walkin' on two legs, four legs, 100 legs? Doesn't matter! so much can fit into this pussy. no matter the weather, season, or the road, i can fuck you up real good

ramble #455 : shit up you're fuc

at the store there were two types o beans in cans, black beans, and another type of beans that wasn't black. and then there was a naked can. just, showing it's canussy for the world to see. it was right in the middle. you would be taking a gamble if you grabbed that one. unless you like both, then it's more like, not a gamble

ramble #456 : haha 456

HHAAA HAAAA, so funcy

ramble #457 : no haha ):<

OOHHH, maybe it's like a mouth thing, i sometimes pronounce earth as earf... soo idk wat happened but o well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ramble #458 : under covers?

yeahhh so, i go on my friend's tumblr account sometimes and uhh, i don't like anything or anything so they don't know i'm there but, just, some of the things they reblog just makes me a bit worried, y'know? like, i'm sure they're a fine, good folken but i can't help but feel like, like i can't tell them shit. i know that i can't show them this website, that's for sure. maybe i'll change their mind about people like me... i hope so

ramble ##459 : can i fucking write this goddamn title?

by "this", haha, well. let's justr. My peanits

ramble #460 : biha bnunemhjwdhasbjajdqwhjk

forg what i was wrote. haha big num though



ramble #462 : awwahah

ze... such littl guy... omfg

ramble #463 : oka


ramble #464 : when u aut/ad

soooo i just loooveeee sertain games,,, so much. very gay about them *heart*. you know, i actually love ceran gme... huff

ramble #465 : jusst filller

there's nothing more romantic than watching the world die

ramble #466 : exucute order what now??

i mean, i don't like children, but that's a bit esesive!

ramble #467 : i did5 jus mr msjkhui

i can't see the horizen... IS THAT HATSUNE MIKU?!

ramble #468 : fun alvin fact!

The "A" on his shirt stands for alcoholic

ramble #469 : heah niee


ramble #470 : hummnumbjm

i like the fact that before, i did much more reasonable things. titles made sence, the things i talked about made since. but as time when on it got more and more out of hand. i love it. also big mneber

ramble #471 : why od i keep putting L??

Sonic and Shadow sittin' in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.! First comes marige, then comes love, then comes a misscaragie, or something.

ramble #472 : urp

so. hoe whatca doin'? having fun? on my watch?! how dare, i'll have you know that i ain't all about that shit, alright? you're gonna sit your lassy ass down, and you're gonna behave, got it? i ain't gonna have you walk into here, with that ass, in that outfit, and just get away with it. someone ought to teach you some manners. you dirty little slut, comeing into my office, were you trying to distract me? ha ha, how sweet. you're gonna sit, on my lap, with my cock deep inside of you, and you're gonna love every second of it. ohh, i see what's on your mind. you wanted me to do more with you? hmm, maybe later, after you can prove you can behave. y'know, as a treat. i know you can be a good girl, little lassie. now, don't keep me waiting

ramble #473 : uhh it's just me righht???

oh my fucking god, why does everything hurt?!?!?! it so not fair. this means WAR body

ramble #474 : jerb herb gerb

the "Your face is my toilier" blinkie came to me in a dream. yes the dream was spongebob related. spongebob was on a date with a hot chick and apparently they were eavesdropping on this other couple (who, if dream me's mind was to be believed, apparently spongebob had relations with), and when he said that everyone was surprised. squidward said something about how he was hot, sexy, blah blah blah (i forgot what else he said). somehow someway that blinkie appeared to me in the dream, like a message from god. "make this blinkie", the message probably was. so i did :D

ramble #475 : akh!!

"blah blah the things you cosplay as" cosplay implies that i put any amount of effort into looking like whatever, which i don't.

ramble #476 : you caused this yourselds, didn't you?

god i'm just trying to make a game in scratch. and every other time i have a problem, some sort of problem that takes a long time to figure out. it's usally simple to fix, it's mostly just the wrong variable or something, but it takes sooo lonngg to find. it sucks that i mainly do things at night, makes me emotional, but whatevs. it always gets fixed. somehow, i don't actually remember what the problem was after a while. but oh well. 3:>

ramble #477 : hahalosner

going to get some cake and fish at the level store, you want anything? no they don't sell any of that one pokemon's pokemon card

ramble #478 : llijhgikj

i'm making progress on my scratch game!! :D it only took me 3 nights

ramble #479 : owich

'm having to3 pr0blemmz

ramble #450 : 450

i made big twee sprite :3 almost as bgi as ths bumber

ramble #451 : 921930jsahdjkh291esjhda

imagen accidently making a reference to a TF2 bug. lol golden phrying pans

ramble #452 : jurk

ack i dislike something but i don't wanna sound like a jerk for being nit-picky about it... grr

ramble #453 : hrmphg

aww but i like my orphan crushing machine :(

ramble #454 : noah

man i hope noone gets mad at me for that one (the one i haven't posted yet, like ever)

ramble #455 : gorbz?? :O

hava la vista baby!!! or something, that's what that on bird said in that one bird movie. apparent it was also a place? wild. anyhow, you guys care abotu shit? loser

ramble #456 : haha 4 55 6!


ramble #457 : not WOO

if tumblr had a block count terfs' numbers would be over 9,000

ramble #458 : birthyeardayhour

celebrating a stuff animal's birthday is the least weird birthday you could celebrate. the most werid would be, like, the president or something like that

ramble #459 : gabadabadooo

i love having an orgy in people's lungs. the risk of getting eaten by a dinosaur is a bit high though. no worries. i have a parachute. it's very vute, it's panda themed :3

ramble #460 : 460 no scope

what does "no scope" even mean. does it mean it's a big number?

ramble #461 : 6tfghjhuy6tfgh99

of corse the clowns don't shower, how do you think they keep their make-up concestent?

ramble #462 : i should get a tumblr for some of these houghts

anyway i'm a mangoel :3

ramble #463 : helath edvice

"don't make suicide jokes they're bad for your mental health" too bad my mental state doesn't matter to me. i get distracted very easily and honestly, it's more work to get worked up over the jokes i say. i'll stop over my dead body. asshole. i can say what i want

ramble #464 : SIXTT DFOUR

dogs don't go to heaven, they go into dog storage

ramble #465 : eyup hehe

Phoenix Destroyer? wtf?? what do i have aganist phoenixes...

ramble #466 : shadnow

okay i lied i like every voice acter for shadow. i very much like shadow now. idk what fucking happened. just, i'm in the mood for shadow now for some reason. it's not even like fnaf, at least there's a new game (dlc) for that one, i don't even know what happens in frontiers. i think i stopped paying attention at like, either colors or unleashed, or maybe a third game i forgot. either way, it's pretty cool man. maybe i am shadow

ramble #467 : can you tell what i have been watchin' recently??

luke-warm (idk if that's how you spell it) topic? LUKEWARM TOPIC?! haha, that's funny :3c

ramble #468 : horrific sluursr

ah yes i'm a Snarklepuffin... ewe

ramble #469 : hetrb nice

karl marx made an appearnce in my schoolwork. yippie! it wasn't in a good light tho, so not-so yippie i guess.

ramble #470 : bignumber

yeaaaahhhh (big)

ramble #471 : never found it :(


ramble #472 : testing something hold on


ramble #473 : idk how i'm gonna fix that

oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck... anyway

ramble #474 : 4.4 stop beeping at me com com

sorry that i have sensory issues man, guess i'll go fuck myself. like, people can like what they like, and dislike what they dislike, doesn't mean shit in the long run really. maybe i do only like women as an idea, what're you gonna do about it? i don't like anyone just in the natural state, i don't find that hot or horny-indusing. you think i look at naked people for sex appeal? i'm just nosy as shit. why is it a moral failing not to find something sexy. idk how you difine disgust but i define it as "the feeling of wanting to throw-up" which, i mean, looking at certain things DOES cause me to wanna throw up. certain patterns disgust me horrificly. certain sounds make my skin crawl, certain feelings (like feeling leg hair or skin) makes me squirm. also what the fuck are we even talking about? like romantic, sexual, or plationic attraction? some secret fourth thing? i don't experiance romantic or plationic attraction. what the fuck are we talking about. i have zero control over my brain's gut feeling about things. what do you want me to do about it? feel bad til i kill myself? i'd rather not, thank you very much. i'm not gonna tell my gf (or whoever) that their gross or horrible for not doing certain things. why would I? why why why. i just wanna fuck who i wanna fuck, women tend to get a pass in my brain that other people don't. so i say stuff like, "i'm a lesbian." because i like women. sexually. why do i have to like someone romanticly just to be able to say i'm attracted to them. i don't feel that, like at all. do i find nothing attractive? sorry that my brain hates the feeling of skin and hair. i also don't like anything being on my back. esp if it's something heavy. feels like i'm dying. i'm not gonna change my attractions just cuz you feel like i'm a horrible piece of shit if i don't. i have no reason, you have given me no reason, and i don't see any reason. what? i don't like body hair on anyone, beards and mustashes are on thin fucking ice, and i don't wanna kiss a hairy face cause it gives me sensory problems. why is not hating something not enough. why do i have to love it. i don't feel love why do i have to love it why why why

ramble #475 : how many baby's

how many baby's does it take it adda uuu. ightbu?

ramble #476 : MTITAS

yes yes i agree. shuch big thighs :3

ramble #477 : me when there are two trainer dawns

wha do?

ramble #478 : SStev on ice

sonic and steve minecraft are gay for each other trsut me! it cam e ro me in a dream in the sumer of 2000 and 6. it ws a hot summer day and steve was doing his thing, mining. then, when he cam back to the surface, he heard a crt for help. "help me! i got in water and i cant' get out!!" the voice said. steve rushed over, carrying a bucket and 44+ blocks of cobblestone. he arrived at the beach, sandy, snady beach. it was there in the blue water that he saw a blue hedgehog. "halp!" the bleu hedgehog said, "i can't swim!!" steve knew what he had to do. he dove into the water, quickly placeing blocks to make a semi-staircase. he grabed the new creature by his arm, lefting him up and out of the water. the thing coughed and coughed, must've swallowed some water. steve pationitly waited. "oh man, thank you so so much! i would've drown in 5 seconds if you didn't help me!" steve just nodded his head. he helps people, helps animals. it's wat he does. "soo, not much of a talker huh?" sonic says. ssteve shakes his head. he doesn't need to talk. he never had to. he doesn't know if he can. "that's fine!! oh! i never told you my name, it's Sonic!" steve nods again, as Sonic is a cromulent name. "uhh, can i ask what your name is?" Sonic asks nevously. he didn't wanna insult the person who just saved him. steve looked away in thought, before looking at the ground. in the sand, he careful made a very blocky s t e v and e. spelling "steve" "steve huh?" Sonic asks less nevously. steve nods. "well, steve, i just wanna thank you again for helping me!" " steve nods once again. Sonic begins to head home, but realizes something. "is there, uh, anything i can help you with?" hE asks. steve thinks for a moment. he hasn't gotten laid in a long while. alex left to go find some new place to call home, and hasn't yet returned. the villagers aren't very interasted in him. and while the sex with his tamed wolves were nice, he was looking for some more bipeadle action. steve gestured towards his dick. "o-oh my, heh, you... you really mant me to do taht?" Sonic asks. steve nods, taking off his pants. he reaveles an at least 12 inch dick. Sonic licks his lips. he gets on his knees, and begans to put his mouth all over steve's dick. steve carfully puts a hand in Sonic's quills, cafeful not to poke himself. Sonic licked and kissed, playing with the tip whenever he thought about it. steve opens his mouth, but no noise came. he thrusts his hips into Sonic's face, hoping to send the right message. "okay, okay, i'll stop teasing, for now." Sonic began sucking steve's dikc. all 12 inches of it. it felt so good to steve, he almost fell to the ground. he wanted to fuck that blue hedgehog, now. he waited a moment or two before pulling Sonic off his cock. Sonic had a confused look on his face as he was being flipped over. "hey, whatca doing back there?" Sonic asks. steve slaps his ass. "ohhhkay, i get your point. please, have your way with me." steve deserved it, afterall, he did save him in a time in need. steve lined up his dick with Sonic's hole. he roughly shoved his dick in, hearing a loud moan of pleasure come from Sonic's lips. he plows into him, as fast as he can muster. "oh god, oh fuuccckkk~" Sonic mewled. he felt so good. he might have to go to minecraft more often. soon enough steve came, flooding Sonic's asshole with his milk. some dripped out, that was alright. Sonic breathed heavily, that was something. "heh, same time next week?" Sonic barely manages to ask. steve minecraft nods, though he has no sense of what time or what a week is. he'll just come along the beech whenever he decides the time is right

ramble #479 : herpaderpacerpamerpa

beep beep i'ma sheep said beep beep i'ma sheep


460 no-scope! ha haaaa big numbaaaa

ramble #481 : worst hallowenie special ever

i wonder what that wonderful lady is gonna do with that pumpkin

ramble #482 : i've seen stuff

i'm part of the "thought grain was a trans-girl club... cute cat btw, 10/10 would smash

ramble #483 : QUICK DRAW~!

wait, are we shooting or drawing each other??

ramble #484 : HOw am i suppose to live


ramble #485 : there where when then what that why thy

can you guess the pattern?

ramble #486 : patter

i hear the pitter patter of your little wittle feets >:3

ramble #487 : rattle me this bauttman

i am a rattle tail! what? no im not purple

ramble #488 : 8888


ramble #489 : did i do all this just for the next thing?

yes yes i did

ramble #490 : i'ma biiiiggggg fan! uwu

turns out that one guy is my roommate now. huh. i'm surprised that it's a guy i know. there were 30 options. i picked 15 (i didn't mean to pick the half one i just whent with my gut) and i got him. uhh, what does this mean?(it menas big number)

ramble #491 : everyone in mckinney is dead

cause of death: heat index was over 9,000 (101,105)

ramble #492 : pump kiss tell

i didn't know a taxi could be trans... good for them!

ramble #493 : writ cell

girly girls stay up till 4 in the morning writing about how endos exist just to get rid of if all and say something that could've been put together in 5 minutes < 3

ramble #494 : gooshhh

I didn't even mean to make that many typos I don't think... still funny tho.. i REALLY DIDN'T MEAN ALL THOSE TYPOS, WHY SO BAD AT SPEL???/?

ramble #495 : science questions can't answer still

where's the caveman?!

ramble #496 : psn

i'm a lady who wears pants, does that make me a penis to the french? find out now, rosau(today)!

ramble #497 : 99777 coolaid

kooooooooool mannnnnnnnn. i wanna fuck, so much... all the time, like all the time. today, yesterday, tomorrow, overmorrow, the yesterunderday, all that.

ramble #498 : durm

i never realized that the B part of LB and RB stood for bumper... like, it makes so much since but i kinda forget that bumper (bimper?) is a word. outside of bumpercars and bumper stickers the word isn't used that much... THANK YOU LIFE IS STRANGE RAW, UNEDITED DUB!!!(+ Jackbox Party Pack with RTFG Cast!)!!

ramble #499 : coming riiiiiigggghhhhhtttt up'

my computer tried to update like the bitch that it is... sorry laptop didn't mean it like dat :<

ramble #500 : halfway

halfway to a thousand!! let's go!! this big number is special!!

ramble #501 : special this

USA, USB, USC, ... USDeez knuts

ramble #502 : fools in april? spongebob...

i watched that episode, it was the most memorable for me. i wonder why. agah!

ramble #503 : 3,100

noice even nuamber

ramble #504 : guess what?

chicken butt! guess who? chicken poo! guess why? chicken thigh! guess when? chicken hen! guess where? chicken hair!

ramble #505 : 505... SOS??

dorian is into cars... who is dorain again?

ramble #506 : misuse

i still need to get some tissues

ramble #507 : sonic7volcano

what? sonic would never! D:

ramble #508 : oh i rwmember

it's fun when i can rememeber the past ramblers :D

ramble #509 : Smark

wipe that smark off your face, Mark

ramble #510 : baai

*kirby voice*haiiii big boi!! [numbers included]

rambler #511 : 5 11? 7.9

wow! i mananged to guess acturatly for once? i thought that the perlin noise would be used like, if it's blacck than it's land, if it's white than it's water sorta way. and that's how it's used!!!! omfg

ramble #512 : para para para so so

petrichor is the smell of earth after it has been rained on, or whatever. 10/100

ramble #513 : god my oh

sooo, turns out an issue I was having with my scratch game came from at "set [variable] to [input]" block, as I had "set tut to da" when it should've been "set tut to done" so, good to know I didn't fuck anything up! i just mistyped. that's all. I can countinue working!! YAY!

ramble #514 : sircle

need anything sir clay? no no, said the scuttlebug

ramble #515 : this is so notepad++ coded :3

thank you tow this video for helping me figure out how to code in notepad++. when I say 'how to code', i of corse mean helping me see the "language" button. while any normal person (normal being english speaking) would think that it'd mean something like for different human languages. but no!! it's for coding!! that's cool. wonder what i can do wih c++ and then make a D++?

ramble #516 : typos? in MY schoolwork?

Jerry Burger or Jerr Bruger?

ramble #517 : wireless mpsue

i feel like there should be a smart mouse where you can copy things to an internal clipboard and you can carry that mouse anywhere and that info would still be on it. that'd be smmmmaaaaarrrtttt

ramble #518 : wish i got it on vid haha

soo i was downloading ujl now and it got to the 26 second mark and i was like "o" wwich was fun. then it counted down "25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 15. 14. 18. 10. 11. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 2. 1. 0." and i was all like " o o o o " but then after it hit zero it was "couldn't download due to network issues" and i was like "really? all my hopes up for nothing." it's fine now btw. and i mean now!

ramble #519 : they fucked up

heh heh lammy says "parapper"... anyway there are a lot typos and stuff in game, which might be because they were using the USA one, but i need to replay that one to see. if i find anything I'll type it in the txen ramble

ramble #520 : big ass fanfic tag

"deal with the devil" how orignal. i think i got "chairs" first, sooo... big number?

ramble #521 : insert

actual anwser here

ramble #522 : fun times, watcherz

two gay deer walk out of a a bar. one looks at the other and says "I can't believe I blew 40 bucks in there". laugh, you won't

ramble #523 : dick swing wooo

replace your dick with a grandfather clock now!! and i mean, now!

rambe #524 : stav

this has a lot of mwahs... don't know who they are though si uts kinda weird

ramble #525 : you get more knowalge every other day

PAWG is phat ass white girl... Man it's phat!!

ramble #526 : oh god oh god

okay so I'm playing a game on crazygames.com right? and i'm having fun. then all of a sudden it's has a pop-up that's like, "[header]Hello?[/header] Are you still there? [button]Yes[/button]" (it didn't say the things in the brackets those are just for underastanding what it was) i was like, "creepy but yes, i'm still here. this looks like a begining of a creepy pasta" if it happens again I'm taking a screenshot idc (prob won't put it here but whatevs)

ramble #527 : has it been that long, since the last i updated this lost in the blender? the man behind the 6er

yup yup. did you know the bible says it's possible to be a virgin and a cow? no? too bad!

ramble #528 : haha woody you are banging my dog

woody x bolt foreves ♥

ramble #529 : how de hell do you missend to guam??

hey, these guys have been missent to nepal, should we try and stop that from happenin- NO!! i just made a stamp for it :3

ramble #530 : big sis number's ass

ass cheeks so scrumpsush

ramble #531 : bis sig cat

scraatch cat x neocites cat my OTP... do they have a name?

ramble #532 : ccan't fucking READ CURSIVE

shoutout to teenage prostitutes at stonewall

ramble #533 : 33? more like, thirty tee!!

i never learned about odd todd or even steaven. hate it. hate it. hate ie!!

ramble #534 : i want it that-

what does every move show. please i neeed to know. "every move shows" shows what?! why would it leave on a clifhanger like that. it's like that song has some, ulteritve motives or something...

ramble #535 : first austin, now this??

please i had mlp on the mind, so when i saw "nightmare" i thought of that evil luna thing that appared a couple times... i didn't know who "dream" was, cause I new for a FACT that they weren't talkin' abotu that green guy. i dreammare is such a name. i shipped that ship, still do. didn't know they were siblings though. even when i did learn about it i was still like. ehh. whateves. still hot though

ramble #536 : unitentionaly related

"nooo you can't draw/write inscest, that'd normalize it :(" listen man, i think if that was truly true there would be a lot more serial killers than there are now. also insest with consent is great. abuse is abuse, and not everything always equals abuse. looking at porn fucked me up less than looking at gore did. in fact, it didn't fuck me up at all. can you believe it? an eight year old doesn't get fucked up by sex? i never had sex, but i'm oh-so horny. was i just suppose to have weird feelings until i was 18? am i not allowed to get off until im 18? why? it feels great, asshole. how do you expect me to do that. why do you expect me to do that. why would a child get so fucked up by something that they'd probably would've seen, if it wasn't for society's hatered for sex. yeah yeah everyone's different but like. how much is due to society, you know? it's hard for me to fully believe that age gaps are all that important, considering how age just describes how many times you been around the sun. nothing about it descirbes anything important. i know a lot about sex for someone who hasn't had it yet. i might even know more about than that die-hard 54 year-old christan, who thinks anything that isn't purly for procreation, or do anything more than neccisary, is bad and should never be done. do they know about safewords being used in sex? do they know the traffic light system? anything about how to prepare for anal? or how to make a lady feel good? (or anyone with a vag, for that matter... but also ladies aren't really treated well anyway so) not to say they can't know that, just saying, i think i learned that at a MUCH younger age then they did.

ramble #537 : wow yur getting so old

i have this day set as "dbad" on my computer... what does it mean? is it someone's birthday? happy birthday to all born today, and yesterday, tommorrow. but WHAT does IT mean?!

ramble #538 : uh-huh?

"whatevenisthiscrap liked your post" is this an insult? how dare :(. whatevenisthiscrap if you're reading this, why man :( /joke

ramble #539 : safe to say no one reads this far

you could tottally die figerpainting. trust me, my cousin, Todd, died last week fingerpainting because the flowers he painted ated him whole. it was a horrific event at the daycare. you wouldn't see it on any news or websites cause the flower also opened up a portal to another dimeinsion and wiped everyone's memories. not mine though, i'm special :3

ramble #540 : inter

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Big Number :D fuck fuck fuck fuck

ramble #541 : did you know game?

dred foxx who voices parappa from parappa the rapper, rapped on the lyrics of "unknow from m.e." (knuckles theme) in sonic adventure... supposedly


there was a post on tumblr and it was like, "what's your a03 tag combination?" and guess what. for my fav month, march, guess what the tag was. smutt!! i love writing smutt!! i write so much fucking smutt!! i thought it was so funny...the other was with fake dating... WHICH IS ALSO ACCURATE!!!

ramble #543 : crisp sandwich day

WHY is this day marked in my calender as taht?? wah

ramble #544 : oghhh so that's whyyy

i was wondering why matpat was trending on twitter... turns out he appeared in the fnaf moovie. that's also why he said that lunch is the most important meal of the day... wooowww. great job. nive. i didn't think they'd include him. let alone name him ness. like what. the .fuck? wow. they knew and know what they're doing. also didn't they add coryxkenshin? that''s cool tools. llove story

ramble #545 : hello kitty ur so pretty

it's sanrio birth today. yuppie!! :D

ramble #546 : feeling horrible as shit

let'sss goooo

ramble #547 : don't ask what how I know

huh. turns out pornhub has changed a few things since I last been. they actually tell you to refresh the page now. also the loading is different. a bunch of other stuff. coool. wonder if anyone reads these. if you're reading this, uhh, hi? this is what I like to talk about.

ramble #548 : good times

i reread one of my past rambles and I was talking about how I didn't feel like I fit in with anything. that's different to now, as I finially feel like I know who I am. i'm transspecies, have no gender, and just a general cool kat. I don't have to call myself stuff I don't want to, and I'm happy for once

ramble #549 : today i learned that spike's 10

and then he took his knotty fluffy dog dick out, and said that it was "this big" and i said "that's disgusting." i'm making a call-out post on my twitter.com

ramble #550 : so close almsot

bag number. like big but thwih and a instead

ramble #551 : psbrrsbtbsiisppe

why is the name soooooooooooooooooooooooo long?

ramble #552 : let's a gooo to ital

his ass is NOT italia

ramble #553 : metts? more like, betts, amiright?

an owl sat up in a tree hooting. for hooters, this is an average sight. what wasn't an average sight was what was happening at the bottome of the tree. it was a threesome. the guy was sucking that guy while another fucked him in the ass. they were also furrys btw. "oh man, your ass is SOO tight man," said the man fucking. the one sucking stopped for a moment to say, "shhut it john, I bet ya two donkeys that lemmy here has the tightest ass out of all of us." lemmy blushed a bit. what a bitch. anyway the unnamed one went back to sucking, and lemmy went back to moaning. john kept his mouth shut for a little while, pounding into uname's asshole, butt after a while he just HAADD to say SOMETHING. "mannn, if I could have this ass everyday I'd be set for life!" mr.no-name-here didn't say anything about that. lemmy did tho. "and his mouth too, so good at what he does." god it was hard not to cum on the spot. btw john had a dog-like dick, which means it had a knot on it. lemmy just had an odd-looking dick. "duddde, wouldn't it be fun if I gave him sum vibrations?" john asked. "where would you get that?" lemmy asked back. "here!" john replied. he had a weird vibrator, one ment to go around someone's cock. he put it around someone's cock. that person almost choked and died, but luckily they lived. btw he had a tentical didck. it was wiggling towards the pleasure, having a fun time. so were the other boys. they started making out (the two names boys). so hottt. the owl came down from the heavans and began to get its feathers all over the nameless's nipples. the no-name came on the spot. his orgasom caused john to com aswell. lemmy cam just by cowicendece. the owl fucked lemmy in the ass just for funziez. happy ever after

ramble #554 : if youre down

whoops, wops, wiggly wops

ramble #555 : 555


ramble #556 : 556

i will never forget tommy gun...

ramble #557 : god what the fuck was I writing?!

just reread ramble 553 and oh my lord, i didn't realize what i said

ramble #558 : cheese :(

i love cheze so much my owie owie muy tummie :((((

ramble #559 : fuck what was i supposed to right? oh write

i need to get more tissues, AGAIN.

ramble #560 : ooh we special now

bag number, like big but ✨fancy✨

ramble #561 : why do emjois fuck everything up?

okay so bad news your everything is fucked up. but good news is that one with an odd request JUST died!

ramble #562 : i woun't feel shitsx

insest is legal in ponyland :3

ramble #563 : oh hey I'm on time!

it's time for Zack and Cody's reservation at the Italian restaurant!!

ramble #564 : ermo

DON'T be horny in public you will get kicked out of trader joes!!

ramble #565 : hhgmm


ramble #566 : what's up dang dang...

man door hand hook car gun... scary stuff. oh my god it just kept going

ramble #567 : awwee man...

even the english language gets more bitches than me... goddamnit... :(

ramble #568 : halpadsj

guys help what's a picky razz twister D:

ramble #569 : sounds familurar

whenever i popped an air ballon in animal crossing new horizons my goldem slingshot broke. guess what was insdie the prestent? a golden nugget

ramble #570 : let's a go big a number


ramble #571 : okay anyway anyhoe anyhow

listen man it's not MY fault that I like listening to songs about sex drugs and alcohol!!! i just have good taste. once again I am being outcasted cause I can t get my mind out of the ever-consuming gutter. what do you want me to do? clean it with mr.superclean? that'll just make it worse!!! why do i have to be so so odd. why can't others be like me. it's a good thing I have some grasp on social norms and what people generally don't like. god fucking damnit

ramble #572 : happy new year 1

i wonder how many new years I will celebrate here

ramble #573 : so popular- so famous

wow three comments on one fic? what did i do??

ramble #574 : fuansf

fuan means heart... anyway, whenever i was doing stuff with a nsfw prompt gen i opened my notepad (like you do) and i went to go see if i had used the url before, and whenever i did, it already had it in the search bar thingy. which was odd, but i clicked on the search bar anyway. guess. what. it was right above the two i was looking at!! not even that far off!! i thought it was funny so i'm telling you

ramble #575 : roblox easter egg #nan

if you go up to the limit in roblox uhh you explode. like, your health goes to 0, andd the boom sound effect is played. the one played b the rocket launcher. trust me guys it's reaal i seware

ramble #576 : GOD FUCKING DAMNIT MAN... I just like moons

saw a pretty cool phase of the moon widget and of fucking course it says that it cannot be used on websites that are adult. or use a lot of profainity. I probably didn't spell some of those words right but whateves. just pissed. no hate to the makers, I just thought it would be cooler

ramble #578 : pokmon

think theres gonna be a green thing across the sky today. rayquaza much?

ramble #579 : funny coquicnednce

i saw a pipe in a tumblr post about something french i don't care about, and then I did something a bit more important and I saw the same pipe there too! how fun.

ramble #580 : col bg nmber

awesome, just awesome

ramble #581 : huh?? wha?? why?? you??? shit??

what do you mean by "self-identify as a proshipper/propara/... act like a person"?? so if ya have the beliefs of that those words support it's fine but call yourself one is a no-no? also the act like a person part is just confusing. what is a person supposed to act like? and why is calling yourself those things NOT acting like a person? so confusing...

ramble #582 : four four four four!!!!

4,444 views baby!!! fun number!!! :D

ramble #583 : tuewnty

tues the 20th, again I think. great, almost missed it

ramble #584 : cars v horses... clear wienier?

anyone else get the urge to treat a car like a horse? like I need to put my hand on its behind so it knows I'm there. cars can't feel, cars cant't know anything. but I need to pet it. I need to make sure it's well loved. cars and horses are quite simular, both can be used to get to places. downside with a car is that they don't have massive dicks. not yet anyway. they should add that to cars, both in real life and the movie. rated M for car sex. just like god intended. wonder what people think of this ramble. I wonder that for all my rambles, but like, moreso.

ramble #585 : they are NOT nameless

scratchy x Penelope my otp....

ramble #586 : OK, NC. but it's KY!!

oll korrect, nuff ced, know youse. bring these back for 2024

ramble #587 : y wuld u doo that?

having fun, fun in the sun. not chopping down trees just for fun.

ramble #588 : woahh

layed sprawled out on a desk Molly was having the time of her life. some other dude was fucking her rough, just how she likes it. in and out in and out in and out- so great!! "ohh, please~!" she moaned. dude was playing with her horns, which was very pleasureable. "if ya keep making noises like that I might just have to breed ya," said the dude. "please breed me!!" Molly cried, "I want that so bad!" "oh?" dude asked. "you want me to breed you? even with my eggs?" "I want your eggs!! please give them to me! I can be such a good slut," Molly rambled. dude was amused, but didn't wanna give in just yet. didn't mean he wouldn't quicken his pase though. hammering his long, wildly dick into her small pussy was so pleasureable, Molly was so close to cumming. and dude knew that, and he was close too. he reached for her clit as he got closer, and after a loud yelp on her end he started pumping his seed into her. the clentching walls and screams of his mate made his brain go cray cray, so he also started laying eggs in her. one after one, so slow yet so fast. the feeling of being filled was all that was on Molly's mind, as she squirmed and wiggle. the over stimulation of it all was getting to her, but she could hardly move. at some point, dude moved away, and he put a thick plug inside of her vag. "can't wait till you lay my eggs," said dude. "how long will that take?" Molly asked. "only a few days," responded dude. "so you are gonna stay here, all tied up, with that vibrating toy in ya, til it's time." Molly moaned at the thought, but moaned again when the toy started to move. it was all so much, feeling the eggs wiggle and all. dude left her there, and every once and a while came back to fuck her, fill her with more of his seed. he also put more toys inside of her each vist, til her ass and vag were more than filled. then, time came to lay. slowly, he removed the toys. Molly moaned every single time. once she was bare, he moved her off the desk, being strung up midair. then, he watched the magic happen. Molly pushed and pushed. the tip of one egg was slightly poking out, but dude pushed it back in. this went on for a while, until dude decided he wanted to fuck her with his eggs in her one last time (for now). he shoves his dick in, and Molly let out a gasp. he fucked her relentlessly until he came, coating his eggs one more time. he then sat back, and let her lay. an egg poked out, hardly visbale. she pushed and pushed. slowly and pleasureablely, the egg slid out out, landing on the floor unharmed. she huffed. dude straped a vibrator to her clit, which made Molly moan. the pushed even harder, and another egg poked out. dude decided to fuck her ass, which made her lay faster. egg after egg fell out of her, her moans and yells were music to dude's ears. eventually he came, and she ran out of eggs. he grabbed the eggs and slowly pushed them back inside her, one after one. he let her lay them again, enjoying seeing her overstimulated body move. can't wait to lay more eggs in her

ramble #589 : hit save

yeah, I'd post that

ramble #590 : biggy

big number once again. how many more of these?

ramble #591 : took long enough

it's leap day, forgot that it only happens once every 4 years or so. the four years seem like nothing, I don't like that fact. I wanna do something, bored as shit rn. can't wait for next leap day though, wonder how many rambles I'll do till then...

ramble #592 : hehe hono

my fav guys marketpiler and Mike!!! :D

ramble #593 : old ass man bun

it's springtrap's 9th bday :D he's too old now though :\

ramble #594 : damn I made a lot of these

the chicken crossed the road to get to belgium, everyone knows that... right?

ramble #595 : so special and cool and BLUE!!

I am low quality blue cow's 10th subscriber B)

ramble #596 : 965 where??

in a gentorater i got flapstar (now Elder) who had a mate named Lampshadestar. LAMPSHADESTAR. good lord. and flapstar got exiled due to med cat. wonder if he stays with lampshade... also, flapstar doesn't like their name.

ramble #597 : a vocaloid?

PERRY the vocaloid?!! or better yet. a platapus? HASTUNE the platapus?!?!... was that any better? why do i still call these rambles. they aren't rambles. i'm just saying shit, it'd be better to call 'em "internet journl". but i already put "ramble" everywhere and I am NOT changing >597 worth of rambles. you are just gonna have to deal with it, okie? who even uses okie besides god. why do things happen. does every action influance every action taken after it? if not directly, then indirectly? i was going to go on twitter, but then i decided to stay on youtube. i watched a video about some person's fav color, and both hastune miku and perry the platapus was mentioned. i thought it was funny so i made a ramble about it. now, as i type this out, i'm using energy. i am spending time typeing this. time I could be spending doing something else. like going on twitter, or pintrest, or twitter. who knows all the stuff i could've seen. for the better or for the worse. perhaps i'll tired myself out quicker tomorrow. I won't have the same amount of time to do other stuff, which may or may not effect what all i end up doing. i love going down rabbit holes. most times when people mention rabbit holes they mean it /neg. but i always think of it as a /pos. i had to learn what /neg and /pos were in order to write that. which caused me to need to know what a lot of other things are. i had to know what a neocities is in order to make this in the first place, what would I be doing know if I never learned about (or never made an account on) neocities?

ramble #598 : MAR10

apparently it's mario day? how fun. was there a mar10 day before and i never mentioned it? this is gonna get too much next year, though i guess there will always be something to talk about. windows 3 on windows 10? oh, how abusrd!

ramble #599 : feel bad for the x lady

love infinite craft it's so fun. tried it on my phone and i managed fo kiss thomas the tank engine with tounge? i merged kiss and thomas (the tank engine) and got tounge so... I didn't even get love on my computer playthrough! i got some people i don't know too. I got cat freedom all spelled out too, some other first discoveryies. i managed to ket a lot of numbers with odd (and even) decimals. very cool!

ramble #600 : big numar for a big lion!

i didn't know the lion's name was aslan, i mean i did but i forgor 💀

ramble #601 : never fooled me v's!!

I knew those damn vegans were Vegeta in disguise! makes me sick to see them. how dare!! how dare...!!!

ramble #602 : took me however long but i got it :D

it's pi day! 3.14! now all we have to do is wait for 3.14.1592... so 3.14.(20)15 was a great pi day... missed it by like, nine years. febuary 2015 was perfect though I think, did anyone besides one person talk about it? they should. 2015 was nine years ago... damn. I hate time, make it stop. when did natly crew become classic rock? (probly spelt that wrong but whateves)

ramble #603 : so many days in march

it's the ides of march!! take that salad!! >:DDD

ramble #604 : no wait, i'd give it at least a C+!!

can't believe (you gotta believe!) that i just know got it... it's a C bass...

ramble #605 : damn she couldn't have left it at "no"?

I ask this girl out (in game) and then next moon she dies of fucking redcough?? what the hell man. she did reject me, so maybe starclan was punishing her? bit harsh but alright. update: new chick dead. also rejected me. I got a new one lets see how long it lasts... I died before they did I think? next life, my mate didn't die, and we had four kits, two adopted!

ramble #606 : haven't done these in a while

whoah the eclipse just like that kat warr thing... anyway, whenever I get into a new fandom i always look for rule 34. drawings, writings, you know the works. sometimes I feel bad for it, feel bad for making it, thinking of it. there's no real reason to though. people complain about it, but they don't have to look. there are lots of things I don't wanna see but people almost never warn for, quite sad. it's the internet, people put on here whatever they want. I hardly remember my thoughts anyway, I do remember my daydreams though! i remember the sex dungen. uhh I played that game i mentioned earlier again, turns out there is no limit to how many you can adopt (i don't think?). i had so. many. fucking. kits. it's wild. I feel like i should make more long rambles, but i keep forgoring

ramble #607 : all inspiring text to text

if you can’t move the bird through the pipes, then move the pipes through the bird

ramble #608 : gotta make it worth it

playing four pokemon games at once is hard. they keep moving where i don't want them to be, I had a hard enough time paying attention to 2 things a once, now there twox that‽ but i did catch 2oo pickachoos so that's nice :)

ramble #609 : why hs

it's a pecial day apaarently, have fun homestucks i guess. why arer you getting this info from me? idk

ramble #610 : big nmer

happy necrophile day!! go kiss a corpse today! (or tonight ;))

ramble #611 : I expect you to die spoilers. duh.

y is there so few smutty Handler X Agent Phonix fics :(. i'm thinking of writing something myself. why do I have to write the smutt that I want, ugh. I would've thought it would've been more popular, considering everytinhg. at least there's some (like 2 or 3). I looked on rule 34, and turns out i_expect_you_to_die isn't even a tag, what the hell. there's even a squid! where's the hentai!?! doesn't hentai mean "pervert"? did I even spell that right? who knows, who cares. there isn't much visual representation of the characters, so maybe that's why.I guess the more recent game (I Expect You To Die 3) game out pretty recently, which surpried me. it feels like a forever ago. maybe it's cause most games I like last updated in like, 2005. not really that long ago but might as well be. or maybe even longer, idk. Wobbledogs got a recent update, but I don't think there gonna be more iirc. I guess I'm not used to not being at the end of a series. also in the second game, whenever agent fire bird got transported to whereever, I knew something was up the moment the "Handler" spoke. something about it was off. it was fun, being able to tell something was off. I don't think it was Mr. Twofirstnames plan to fool Phonix for long, anyway. also, the "Don't do that Agent, you'll hurt yourself," has been stuck in my head. also not like the Handler at all. I don't think he has ever really outright said anything in that nature, the closest thing I can think of is whenever he said something about how somoking would cause a slow and painful death. in the playthroughs I watched for all 3 games there was a regular playthrough, then shows all soviners, then a speedrun. it's 100% or whatever. the Handler does mention that Phonix likes to burn stuff, and I like to think that's why the agent likes cigars. for some reason I keep wanting to use he/him pronound for the agent, and while it's probably due to me thinking the agent is male, I like to think it's cause of Phonix Wright. I mustn't've seen a full playthrough before, since I didn't recall most of what happened in the 2nd and third ones. the Handler saying something about how he'll save Phonix whenever the squid was doing it's thing or whatever makes a lot more sense. he sounded quite upset when he mentioned that they couldn't find a body and he didn't know if they survived at then end of the second game. and at the begining of the 3rd he was all like, "I couldn't get rid of you even if I wanted to! And trust me, I don't..." so it seems he cared about the agent at least a little bit. also mentioning that they're a team, and that if the agent was there, he was there, and that he was ready to stop doing whatever after the angent "died" was so... GAH. anyway I could go on more and I probablly will later, but this is where I'm leaving it for now... I knew I spelt Phoenix rong :(

ramble #611 : only 300 more

#Makethispossibleinswordandshield!! They should make it the offical cry.

ramble #612 : missed 420 024 damnit

4/20/2024 backwards is still 4/20/2024

ramble #613 : I think I know what I know

May the Fourth be with you

ramble #614 : agh ough owchie

wewnt on a blocking spree and do feel a bit better, I feel worse for other reasons. You know, maybe I'd listen to the other side if they were to stop telling me all sorts of horrible things that I must have done. of course I'm listening to the side that doesn't want me to die, would you? that's why I don't like calling myself anti-anything, since it feels like most people who are antis are so hateful towards the pros. maybe it makes sense, but I don't wanna be so hateful towards random people I never met. people can change for the better, but it'll be hard for that to happen if you just keep hating on them and telling them that they deserve the worst. I follow my heart, I don't want to harm anyone. people are so ready to hurt but are so tough on love. I don't feel love, but I don't want to cause pain. what am I even saying. What's the deal with airplane food?

ramble #615 : upsetti spaghetti

i hate mobile phones so so much. how am i supposed to get anything done. horrible. who desgined this?

ramble #616 : how could I forgor a title card? stoopid me :(

while yiu were getting a collage degree I was studing the art of emo kissing

ramble #617 : no one will ever know, will they?

Marz was having a bast getting his dick sucked. truley, Jerner was a whore. how else could be THAT good? something to think about. anyway, as Jernjern was licking and sucking and kissing and whatnot, Marz couldn't resist to put his hand on his fluffy and soft hair. Jerner seemed to like that, even when Marz pulled a little. nothing could go wrong, it seemed like smooth sailing from here. that was ntil Mr. Misters came onto the scene. "having fun without me are we?" Mr. Misters asked. "oh- uhh, I though- oh fuck, uhh- I thought you would take a bit longer to get here," stampers out Marz. "don't worry, I'm not mad. Can I join in?" Mr. Misters asks. Jerner takes a second off of Marz's dick to awnser, "My ass is feeling a bit empty, surely you could do something about it?" Mr. Misters doesn't verbably respond, instead he kneels down shoves two fingers into Jerner's ass. Jern moans as he goes back to sucking, he even shakes his ass a little. in and out, up and down, lots of movement was happing in such little time!! Mr. Misters adds another finger and a pinkie, perhaps a bit too quickly. Jerner doesn't really care though, he loves the stretch. his moans are muffled by the dick in his mouth. anyway, speaking of stretch, Mr. Misters finally takes a moment to take off his pants and shoves his dick into Jerner, straight to the hilt. Jerner lifts his head as he cries out, and Marz takes the oppertunity to connect their lips. the sloppy make-out shesh turned Mr. Misters on even more, even though he wasn't apart of it. he fucks into him hard, making his ass jiggle ever so slightly. eventually Jerner gets back to sucking, but it was hard for him to focus much at the task at hand (or mouth rather). it didn't matter to Marz though, as he started to kiss Mr. Misters, sharing the taste of himself. Mr. Misters remembers something, and goes to grab something from his discarded pants. a fleshlight! he sneaks his hand underneath Jerner and manages to get his dick inside of it. Jerner was whining and whimpering, mostly muffled through the cock he was sucking. he was the first to come, considering everything. then came Mr. Misters, as Jern's ass was just that good. last but not least was Marz, happpy to see it all. "same time next week?" Marz asks. "yeah..." says Mr. Misters, as Jerner just nods

ramble #618 : funzz funzzz

I learned about the home row but I never use it. in fact, I can type pretty well with just not even looking and plucking sorta. i have my own way of typing, that I prefer. people just don't understand it, I'm too good for them. people need to hop on this trend, and hop on my dick. what the fuck was that?? doesn't matter though. i love fucking and getting fucked

ramble #619 : why micro soft

my computer was having memeroy problems (seriously, chrome was NOT having it), so I restarted it. for some reason, it updated, even though I had those paused. What the fuck? how dare you. You know who I am? I have- You know what? it doesn't matter. EXPLOSTION!!!

ramble #620 : wOOAHHHAHWOHOOOO


ramble #621 : What the fuck Paint?

why was paint trying to open up system 32.png. like yeah no shit that doesn't exist. actually I don't know what it was looking for, just that it was looking the wrong place. after I closed it even. anyhow. what to do with my life? do you know the meaning of life? I think it's to reproduce. that's the only way to make more life, being able to reprouduce itsself. unless humans are involved. even then, it doesn't change much does it? graphing plants is a thing but that's still reporucing no? I spelt blast wrong this whole website is ruined. it was ruined before that but I just wanted to mention something :3

ramble #622 : speaking of paint

why whenever i tried to close paint did the pop-up (you know the one. do you wann save changes to Untitled? save, don't save, cancel) be all weird. was it because the canvas was bigger than normal? why isn't everything normal

ramble #623 : I should get back into making these

the only way to break a mirror is to make it unreflective. but that is a cruel and unusual punishment. why would you do that :(

ramble #624 : fly high like a butterfly

i think ryhmes are so cool. it's great how some words just end in a simulur way, that you can understand them and they make sense together. whenever i see something that uses a fun ryhme i think about how lucky they must of gotten. especially for names and stuff. i guess it doesn't matter if they rhyme or not, people will just speak anyway, or use a different ryhme, but it's still fun to think about. god damnit how did i spell 'until' wrong? never gonna live this down, pass the bong

ramble #625 : feel horrible #whatthefuck

honestly, why are people so horrible. I know why, i know how, i know when, i know where, but come on man. maybe be nicer? woah I didn't know i could just turn things into notes like that, how'd i do that? man, they don't teach you this in school. anyway, what was I talking about? oh right! WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THAT?!?!?!

ramble #626 : waiting for an invite, to never come along

some dude named Yorkshire went to a geode convention, all dress up. not like it matters since he wasn't invited. why? because he keeps tryna fuck them. it annoys the gaurds (that they added because of him) that he always finds a way to sneak in, someone must be letting him in. anywho, Yorkshire finds his way in, like he always does, and goes straight to the awesome rock exibit. after unzipping his pants he grabs an opened geode and sticks his dick right in the hole, the texture of the inside was incredible. the other convention goers stared in horror and awe, wondering why and how. as he came in the first geode, he grabs some cool looking rocks (that weren't geodes) and shoved them up his ass, for later use. he goes and finds more geodes to stick his disco stick in, and finds more pretty rocks to shove up in the place where the sun don't shine. where are the gaurds in this? they got distracted by none other than Dan the Huge and Kinda Weird-Looking Dinner Plate. no one expected to see him, as he broke the day before. luckily all the kings horses abd all the kings men could pick up his pieces up and put him together again. anyway, Yorkshire's geode count was now over 9,000. how much cum does he have in his balls? too much. he started fucking the conventioners after he fucked all the geodes and all the other rocks were in his bum bum. some girl loved his antics, and letted him cum inside her pussy so that she could have his kids. after all the girls, boys, and geodes were pregnant he went home. suddenly all the rocks in him started to move around and shapeshift. turns out those weren't rocks, but dragon eggs! he squatted as he started to push the then-rocks out. the eggs were constantly moving, vibrating and making him feel so good. he got most of them out before the dragon that fathered the eggs came to his house. the dragon shoved the eggs back in his ass, then putted his massive cock inside as well. after the dragon came he letted Yorkshire lay the eggs again, but not after making him really feel the stretch of each egg. after he was done the dragon used him as a fleshlight once more before taking him back to his lair, where the dragon had tons more geodes for the dude to gladly fuck. Yorkshire was even able to watch the dragon fuck his wife, laying his eggs inside her. then he could watch her birth them out, with the dragon doing simular tricks he did to him. then, he could have his turn, and the cycle repeats.

ramble #627 : really? that's how?

just realized the "fleshlight" is supposed(?) to be a play on "flashlight". after my ~43 years of life I would have thought I'd've gotten that sooner, or something. anyway they really named the game Sonic X Shadow generations? they're just asking for fanfics at this point!

ramble #628 : horrible job everybody

chat did a HORRIBLE job with that Vaporeon joke. The copypasta literally has the moves that would make it compatibable, but nooo, they had to use Pound and shit. It gave several options but they couldn't even pick one?? Were they even trying? Don't even think they got the ability right either. You know, the thing stated in the third fucking sentence. There were two other abilities they could've chose too. It's pissing me off so much. Can't even get a fucking joke right. It's clear they were just doing to try and be funny, without any respect to the orignal material. The copypasta isn't even hard to find. There's a site here on neocites that's just that (and the added Umbreon bit, which is only more compatable if you're willing to get posioned(wouldn't recommend))! There's an entire subreddit for copypastas, that one included. How could they mess it up? It would've been so easy, and could've been a fun, accurate joke. But no. They couldn't be bothered, could they? I hope they can all see the error of their ways and be able to actually appeciate the copypasta, and all the work that may or may not have been put into it. Part of me wants to make a combatablity score for every Pokemon, in terms of male human on female Pokemon and Male Pokemon on Female human. I find those types of things so interesting, but people just brush it off to the side. It's insulting. This whole thing is longer than the copypasta itself, I'm pretty sure. What am I doing with my life.

ramble #629 : i'll be at a loss for words if this doesn't work


ramble #630 : woaw

can't believe I made 630 big-ass rambles. (and small-ass rambles too)

ramble #631 : THINK WITH ME!

Phone guy doesnt talk when DeeDee or XOR is in the room... Phone guy is DeeDee and XOR confirmed‽?‽!

ramble #632 : how did I get here

god I love algorythms. spelt that wrong but whateves. not important. everything I ever did in my life and everything other people did in their lives has lead to this moment. It's impressive, really. sometimes I wish my life was different, but then I think about all the things that would've changed, and all the changes that would have to happen before it too. sometimes I wish I had a dick, but then I realize that I could've been raised very differently, and acted accordingly. who knows if I would've even had a site here on Neocites if I was a guy, maybe I would've gotten beaten to a pulp in grade 6. Or maybe I would love myself more. I don't like gambles.

ramble #633 : shut up and sleep with me

is that song about a gay guy wanting to sleep with some seemingly homophobic guy? or a guy that's in the closet? it was a therian day a few days ago. that's cool. what's better than four guys? five guys

ramble #634 : the zzz

the more z's you have in a word the more powerful it is. Trust me, I'm a scientist, I work in science. For an example of my knowlage, I know that using CTRL + Z will undo any mistake. Even God's. Also, eating yellow snow if very very helpful, and safe. Also, Halloween was on a Thursday at least once. The 15th of the month is the best for attacking. No one expects it.

ramble #635 : zoologically improbable

i love eating bees and honey and bees and honey and bees. very yum yum. What? that's not good for you? speak for yourself motherfucker.

ramble #636 : I don't remmeebrer the 29th of september

I forgot what I was going to put here. anyway, do you like the colour of the sky? I hope not, you animal. we are all animals, but you more-so. Only if you like that, though. What's the pont in it all. people live and die and die again, where's the fun? terrible choices lead to even more terrible places, how did we end up here? Are you doing anything with your life? I hope so, I hope you're having a good day. taking the time to read what I've wrote, you're special. Even if it's just this ramble, what more do you need to prove? I am not making any goddamn sense, I apologize

ramble #637 : and a happy new year

merry new year everybody! it is not the same year as it was yesterday. if you are spending your new years reading this then I'm so so sorry

ramble #658 : I'm going to have to split these up into padges


ramble #659 : WHO DARES TO OPPOSE ME??

god Google just tried to take away my adblocker... FIREFOX HERE I COME!!!

ramble #660 : almost... almost... we're a freakshow

some words have spaces in them, others don't. why is that? who knows... anyway why does everything use the same thing!??! also BIGNUMBER!!!

ramble #661 : shit almost forgot

I visted this site at 15,000 views! that's a nive even number!! I've been waiting for this day ever since 2002!!!

i might put stuff down here so stay tuned for that!(i probably won't though)

feel free to use anything i make in the gifs and stuff page, don't know why you would or why i don't add this there
oh, i know. it's because if you have read through all of these (or just scrolled down), you deserve to use my shit :D
i mean people will probably use it anyway but shhh